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Because of Hawaii's relationship with the British. The Hawaiian king originally flew the British Union flag on its own, but a group of advisor's recommended it be changed to include stripes to represent the islands he had united.

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Q: Why does the hawaiian flag have the British flag?
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How is the Hawaiian flag related to the British flag?

In the top left corner is a minny British flag

What is the meaning of hawaiian flag?

it was created, to show that's Hawaii supported both America, and the British Empire

Why is the Union Jack on Hawaiian flag?

For a period of Hawaiian history, the islands were allied with the British Empire, most notably under King Kamehameha I (1758-1819). When the King requested a design for a new flag, it was designed by the Royal Hawaiian Navy, which included former members of the British Royal Navy. The new flag (with stripes of white, red, and blue) contained elements of both the British and American flags. The current version was made official in 1845.

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No, it does not.

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What are the colors of Hawaii?

in the left hand corner of the Hawaiian is a symbol that is resembles the British flag. the rest of the flag consists of stripes that are: white red blue white red blue white this is a patteren. red

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hae [hi]

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The british have never had a flag to change

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His mother is British and his father is Hawaiian-Chinese.

Was the hawaiian flag designed by a 13 year old?

Yes it was