Odysseus says that his name is Nohbdy because when he is in the cave with Polyphemous and he stabs Polyphemous's eye out when people ask him who did it he says Nohbdy, because that is the name that Odysseus gave him for his "real" name.
It wqs his pride
The name of Ulysses was the Latin derivative of the ancient Greek name of Odysseus.
Nobody knows exactly how carbon got it's name. Nobody knows when carbon was identified as an element for example either.
It means "good morning." And nobody in Ireland says it, unless they are making fun of an American.
No it says that nobody knows when Dont worry it wont that old Dooch is a lier :)
he says i am nobody
When odysseus gives the cyclops wine to get him drunk and then tells him his name is nobody. Then odysseus stabs him in the eye and when Odysseus calls out to his brothers he says : " Help me help me Nobody has hurt me, Nobody has tricked me". His brothers think that nobody really is hurting him.
Odysseus called himself Outis (=Nobody). Odysseus told the Cyclops his name was "Nobody" so the Cyclops would later exclaim, "Nobody has blinded me."
Odysseus told the Cyclops his name was "Noman" (or no one in the literal Greek) as in Nobody so he tricks him. When Polyphemus cries out to his fellow Cyclopes for help he says "Noman is killing me." One of his fellows says that if "no man" is killing him, it must be illness (a divine affliction).
I believe Odysseus provided a false name to the Cyclops. 'Nobody'
Odysseus tells Polyphemus that his name is "Nobody" when asked for his name. This allows Odysseus to trick Polyphemus when he later blinds him and Polyphemus calls for help, claiming that "Nobody" is attacking him.
Odysseus didnt forget his name, he changed it to nobody to fool the cyclopes.
An example of a pun in "The Lost Hero" is when the character Leo Valdez says, "I always knew a girl named Khione. She was a snow goddess. I guess you could say she ... frosted me out." This pun plays on the idea of being "frosty" or cold towards someone, referencing Khione's icy nature.
Odysseus called himself Outis (=Nobody). He did not give Polyphemus a name.