

Best Answer

Because teenage girls like older boys.

Because they think that they can get into girls pants easier. Well, really teenage females feel older boys know more about the female anatomy than perhaps guys their own age, and they also see it as a thrill just like boys would say if their girlfriend were older. Wouldn't you brag about it? I would. And the fact is that most teenage boys don't feel like older girls are as sexually attracted to them as younger girls are. Perhaps older girls have a way of hiding their feelings about younger guys because they feel they would be an out case in their peer group. It's all about trying new things, you know?


Girl's Answer:

Because the guys probly know by now that girls like mature guys and so they'll pick older ones faster than their age or younger. Basically, the girl is more likely to say yes to the guy if he's older.


Girls like the feeling of being with an older guy. Girls tend to go for older guys because most guys are too immature for girls if they are the same age. The only bad thing girls get out of it, is that they try to be cool and get into sexual things at a young age.

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