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to take advantage of job opportunities

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Q: Why do most people migrate within and emigrate from southwest Asia and north Africa?
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What is the opposite of migrate?

it is a movement of people and there is no opposite. Perhaps reside, or remain in situ could be used the opposite of immigrate is emigrate

Where did the people migrate from?

Western Africa

Where did the native people emigrate from?

the native emigrated to a land call the habobushca(ha-ba-boo-skee) land from the southwest rejoin

How are population patterns in north Africa and southwest Asia affected by the environment?

North Africa and SouthWest Asia has served as the crossroad for the people

Why was climate a factor in encouraging people in Africa to migrate?


Why did the Zulu people migrate to Europe?

Zulu people didn't migrate to Europe. They are still in South Africa where they've been for many centuries.

What are Examples of push factors causing people to migrate are?

Main reasons as we can see why people are pushed to migrate is economical system of native country, idea that abroad is better or war. Mostly migration is related just with greed idea, that somewhere else is better - that explains also why people emigrate from countries with good economic - although their is good opportunities to grow, many people choose to emigrate with hope that somewhere else will be more easy living.

Why do people migrate from Ireland to another country?

People emigrate from Ireland for all sorts of reasons. Basically, like anyone that emigrates from any country, they want to get a better life. Nowadays people emigrate in search of work, because they may have problems getting employment. In the past they have emigrated for other reasons, such as the famine in the 1840s.

What two continents did early people migrate and settle in?

Africa and china

Where were people emigrating from?

People emigrate from their country of origin. They immigrate to the country which they are going to. People emigrate from anywhere.

Do people emigrate to other countries because of communism?

No they don't. People emigrate but not because of communism.

Where did the origins of humans begin?

Human life started in West Africa. Over many years, people began to migrate to follow the animals they hunted (living a "hunter-gatherer lifestyle"), leading them to emigrate throughout the world. Mutations occurred over the centuries as people developed to different environments, giving us our different races.