Without having a concrete answer, I would guess that it is just a standard to keep them all in perfect step. If no matter the branch, all soldiers start on the same foot then there is no confusion on the parade ground.
The marchers were originally civil rights protesters. This was then hijacked by the IRA and turned in to an armed assault on the soldiers who were on peace keeping duty. The end result was pretty much what one would expect when an amateur army (IRA) tried to take on professional soldiers face to face. Subsequently there have been 3 inquiries. The first two held while memories and witnesses were fresh (and protected) cleared the army. The third held many years later and with no protection left for witnesses blamed them. Subsequent to this photographs have emerged of Martin McGuiness ( a "witness" who blamed the soldiers) proving he was IRA a bombmaker and a weapon supplier to those attacking soldiers -
You should wear the left shoe on your left foot.
26000 soldiers
Well this question needs to be more specific as in American Soldiers, British Soliders.. But I assume you mean American Soldiers and there are about 20,000 left. As of November 25, 2011.
well, most countries seem to start on their left foot, and swing their right foot forward. (now here is the confusing part) you have to repeat the process over and over... and your marching. but in the case of countries like France and Canada, they start on the right foot and alternate between.
The Prussians at one time dominated battlefields in European wars. Part of the Prussian success was due to exact and precise marching maneuvers. For example, Prussian officers trained their soldiers to march in cadence with the left foot starting first. This would be in unison with drumbeats. By the 1730's marching soldiers had a stride of 65 per minute, with each pace to be at two feet. In attack mode the rate of pace would be altered and increased to 75 -80 paces per minute.
so everybody can start on the right foot
United States Military Cadences are sung in either a marching or running formation of soldiers/cadets. They are sung first by a commander or someone else in the formation that is then repeated by rest of the soldiers in the fomation. Once the commander is finished with one line the others then repeat that same line. The cadence is sung so that there is a lightly upped tone in the voice of Soldiers when the left foot hits the ground. (i.e. HERE we GO again, SAME old STUFF again MARCHING down THE avenue SAME old STUFF and WELL be THROUGH.)
Trench foot would cause blisters and open sores on the soldiers foot. Often fungal infections would set in and gangrene if left untreated.
The right foot. It is more important that a right handed bowler end on the left foot, but may start on either foot. If you start on the right foot you have an even number of steps before releasing the ball. If you start on the left foot you have an odd number of steps before releasing the ball.
The marchers were originally civil rights protesters. This was then hijacked by the IRA and turned in to an armed assault on the soldiers who were on peace keeping duty. The end result was pretty much what one would expect when an amateur army (IRA) tried to take on professional soldiers face to face. Subsequently there have been 3 inquiries. The first two held while memories and witnesses were fresh (and protected) cleared the army. The third held many years later and with no protection left for witnesses blamed them. Subsequent to this photographs have emerged of Martin McGuiness ( a "witness" who blamed the soldiers) proving he was IRA a bombmaker and a weapon supplier to those attacking soldiers -
sometimes the weather was the cause of disease, like trench foot where the soldiers were stood for hours on end in wet, cold and insanitary conditions. If it was left untreated, trench foot could turn gangrenous and result in amputation.
The constant left, right, in unison, like a beating drum, can set up a resonance and make the bridge sway or fail.
You should set them so you feel comfortable, so you will be able to burst out of them quickly and efficiently. My sisters and I set ours like this (we are left-footed): put the front of the blocks 1 foot length from the start line. put your left-foot block 2 foot lengths from the start line. put your right-foot block 3 foot lengths from the start line.
You start fouettes by prepping.Prepping- a position in dance were right foot in front bent while left foot in back is bent as well. arms are in a beachball position.
Start with the left temple,right temple,left arm,right arm,left chest,thrust to the stomach,right chest,left foot, right foot,left eye,right eye and lastly the crown.