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they take less time to hit each other

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Q: Why do dominoes fall faster closer together?
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How fast do dominoes fall?

The speed at which dominoes fall depends on various factors, such as the size and weight of the dominoes, the distance between them, and how they are set up. In a typical domino setup, they can fall at a rate of about 1 domino per second. However, with optimal conditions and skilled setup, dominoes can fall even faster, reaching speeds of several dominoes per second.

Who said Let Antony and Caesar fall together?


What was the idea of the domino theory?

The domino theory was based on neighboring Asian countries falling to or going to a communistic country , known as a basis for the Korean / Vietnam war. If one country was lost the others would fall as a line of dominoes do.

Define Domino Theory of Accident Causation?

The Domino Theory dealt with the idea that if any country fell to Communism, all the surrounding countries would also fall to Communism, like dominoes. The following is a quote from President Eisenhower in 1954: "Finally, you have broader considerations that might follow what you would call the "falling domino" principle. You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly. So you could have a beginning of a disintegration that would have the most profound influences."

What were the dominoes and where did they fall according to 'Where the Domino Fell' by James S. Olson and Randy Roberts?

The Domino referred to in the title was Viet Nam. The book purports to be a history of the war in Viet Nam and its aftermath. The term "Domino" (as in The Domino Theory) was used in the argument that if there was no intervention to stop the communist movement in Southeast Asia, all of the countries in that region would eventually fall like "dominos" to the communists. The authors obviously promote their own viewpoint with which readers may or may not agree. Hope that helps.

Related questions

Do dominoes fall faster closer or father apart and why?

Dominoes fall faster when placed closer together because there is less space for air resistance to slow them down. When dominoes are farther apart, there is more surface area exposed to the air, which increases air resistance and slows down their fall.

How fast do dominoes fall?

The speed at which dominoes fall depends on various factors, such as the size and weight of the dominoes, the distance between them, and how they are set up. In a typical domino setup, they can fall at a rate of about 1 domino per second. However, with optimal conditions and skilled setup, dominoes can fall even faster, reaching speeds of several dominoes per second.

Why the speed of sound increases with rise in temperature of air?

Heat, or rise in temperature is caused by agitation of electrons. Agitated electrons are farther from the protons and neutrons. This makes them larger. Because heated atoms are larger, vibrations will pass through them faster. The atomic dominoes fall faster because they are closer together.

When was Let the Dominoes Fall created?

Let the Dominoes Fall was created in 2008-01.

When was Girls Fall Like Dominoes created?

Girls Fall Like Dominoes was created in 2010.

What is it called when dominoes fall?


Who sings the lyrics These girls fall like dominoes?

The Big Pink sings the song, its name is "Dominoes"

Will a ball closer to the ground fall faster?

In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass or composition. This principle is known as the equivalence principle of gravity. So, a ball closer to the ground would not fall faster than one higher up.

What makes dominoes fall?

Dominoes fall due to a combination of gravity, inertia, and the transfer of kinetic energy. When one domino is pushed, it transfers its energy to the next one in line, causing a chain reaction that continues until all the dominoes have fallen.

Who sings these girls fall like dominoes?

Its on Nicki minaj's CD "pink Friday"

Are dominoes falling inertia?

Yes, when dominoes are set in motion and fall, they are following the principle of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion, so once the dominoes start falling, they will continue to do so until acted upon by an external force.

What does the phrase fall down like a row of dominoes mean?

If you set up a row of dominoes in such a way that they are very close together and push on the first one the next will fall, then the next, the the next until the last one falls. For example: If you are late getting up from bed in the morning, you may not be able to eat breakfast, you will trip and fall trying to run out the door to get the bus and may miss it, and finally be late for school. All because you slept too long.