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Answer 1

Zionists do not hate Christians. In fact, some of the strongest Zionists are Christians. Even if you replaced the word Zionist with Israelis or Jews, the answer would be similar. They do not hate Christians; but perhaps there is apprehension due to the reputation Christians have for missionizing as well as the past general church history of persecuting Jews.

Answer 2

Christian Zionists, especially in the Middle East, but Western ones, too, pretend to love Jews, but are actually quite anti-Jewish. They make the Jews mere pawns in their whole, as author, and ELCA Lutheran Pastor and LSTC professor Barbara Rossing calls it, "Rapture Racket." Spurred-on by the good-for-nothing Rev Tim LaHaye and his obnoxious and not-scriptural "Left Behind" series of books, Christian Zionists see Christ not as Savior, but, rather, as a military general, readying his forces for a huge Armageddon, resulting in two-thirds of all Jews being destroyed because they don't believe in Christ, and the remaining third necessarily be converted to Christianity. The Jewish people are simply characters in the Christian Zionist heresy and its so-called final battle.

Their teachings are racist, predicting not only the aforementioned death of two-thirds of all Jews, but also for the transfer of all Palestinians out of Israel. The true Christ is the Christ of the cross and the open tomb, bringing hope, peace, reconciliation and new life. Christian Zionism is anti-peace and anti-reconciliation. Jews who have figured this out, but who don't yet realize that Christian Zionists do not represent Christianity as a whole, are understandably irritated with what they perceive to be all Christians. Therefore, the full (and, so, then, the accurate) story of any tension between Zionists and Christians can't actually be told, or understood, in context, without expanding the answer to include the convoluted thinking of specifically-Christian Zionists, and how it manifestly impacts the entire picture.

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Q: Why do Zionists hate Christians?
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Are the Zionists Muslim?

Answer 1No. They follow a separate religion.Answer 2While there are some Muslim Zionists (such as Sheikh Hadi Palazzi of Rome, Irshad Manji, Tarek Hamid, and a few others), most Muslims are Anti-Zionists. Zionism is a political movement seeking to establish a Jewish State in the historic land of Israel. Most Jews are Zionists and many Christians are as well.

Why do so many Christians hate Hitler?

Hitler is a evil man and he should not be liked.

Where do Zionists go to worship?

Answer 1Zionism is not a religion, but rather a movement that uses religion to assert claims on the land now known as Israel, and possibly also land in the Palestinian Territories. As Jews, they worship the Jewish God, although it is quite possible that some Zionists are secular Jews, who have no real religious beliefs.Answer 2Zionism is a nationalist movement as opposed to a religion or religious movement. It derives from the ethnic nature of the term "Jew" as opposed to the religious nature of the term "Jew". There are many Jewish supporters of Zionism, some of whom pray in synagogues and others who are entirely secular. There are also Christian Zionists who usually worship in churches. There are also Muslim Zionists who usually worship in mosques, but Islamic Zionism is usually taboo in most Muslim countries. Druze Zionists pray with other Druze, etc.Zionism is not a religion.Zionist are people who support Israel.Most Zionists are Christians and Jews.

What did zionists want for the Jewish people?

they wanted the Jewish people to have a country of there own

Zionists in 1933 Germany?

That is not a question, rather it is a subject with a question mark at the end.

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True Christians do not hate Jews. Nominal Christians may hate them because they are a different religion.

Are the Zionists Muslim?

Answer 1No. They follow a separate religion.Answer 2While there are some Muslim Zionists (such as Sheikh Hadi Palazzi of Rome, Irshad Manji, Tarek Hamid, and a few others), most Muslims are Anti-Zionists. Zionism is a political movement seeking to establish a Jewish State in the historic land of Israel. Most Jews are Zionists and many Christians are as well.

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Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have political self-sovereignty and is the patriotic sentiment behind the Establishment of the State of Israel. It is not a physical thing to be "used". Most Jews are Zionists, but the majority of Zionists are non-Jews, mostly Christians, but there are some Muslim, Atheist, Hindu, and Buddhist Zionists.

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True Christians do not hate anyone. Jehovah God does not hate anyone. Hate is not our primary emotion when it comes to 'people'. (We hate wrongdoing; and we try to help the wrong doers. Providing 'help' is an act of 'love'.)

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They don't.

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Most Christians don't. I don't know where you would even get that idea from. Christians are called to be witnesses to the world, and I along with other Christians would never hate anyone.

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We're not allowed to hate anyone except those who despise God.

When was General Zionists created?

General Zionists was created in 1922.

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Simply stated, no.

Why do people hate Christianity?

To be honest, it's not their fault. Those people who hate Christianity hate it because it appears to be contradictions, the Christians are hypocrites and because they're not accepting. That goes with people who hate Islam, Judaism, Hinduism etc. And there's at least one person out there that would or will hate you for no reason. And i believe that they hate Christians for no reason, and they just try to find these excuses for hating them just to justify their hatred towards them.