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This is due to racism and the master-slave mentality in that era rather than facts.

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Q: Why do Spaniards call the Filipinos lazy when they colonize Philippines?
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What did the Spaniards call people who conquered Mexico Peru and so forth?

The Spaniards called people who conquered Mexico and Peru conquistadors. This name was given to a 15th century Spanish conqueror.

Why did the Spanish armada call it the invincible armada?

It was given this name by non Spaniards, a derisive term, a mocking term

Which european country did not colonize in America?

The Austrian Empire, the Prussian Empire, Poland, and the Northern Italian principalities call refrained from colonizing territories in the Americas. In fact, the European countries that did colonize only included: UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Russia.

What are the provisions of Tydings mcduffie?

1. The organization of constitutional Convention that draw up the fundamental law of the land. 2. The election of the leaders of Philippine Commonwealth 3. The recognition of Philippine independence on July 4, 1946. 4. The right of United States to establish military bases in the country 5. Granting the United States president the power to call on all military forces of the Philippines into service. 6. Reclassifying all Filipinos as aliens and limiting Immigration to the United Sates to 50 persons per year.

Why did the ancient filipinos have various languages?

Whatever you call ancient Philippinos, the first wave of immigrants seem to have entered from Micronesia, especially from Yap. But their traces have disappeared, because many of them moved on even up to India. And the ones who settled in the Philippines have been assimilated by bigger groups, who arrived in the Philippine islands from Continental Asia. There are still words and expressions to be found in the six still existing older languages of the Philippine population. Still today one can find population groups to be identified as members of Khmer, Malay/Indonesian, Chinese origin. Also in southern Philippines groups from Melanesian Islands and New Guinea are still part of the mix. Later came Arabs and Spaniards and mixed with the existing population. And all groups brought their own languages. Most of them have disappeared. Now in Philippines still used are six older languages and two newer ones. Many others have disappeared, or started to mingle into bigger language groups. The today official language Tagalog is actually an artificial language-mix out of four indigenous languages and words from Malay (Bahasa) and Spanish and English. Also found are some Arabic, Chinese and Chamorro traces.

Related questions

What do you call people of the Philippines?

The people of the Philippines are Filipinos.

What do you call the Spaniards born in the Philippines?

Spaniards born in the Philippines are called "Filipino-Spaniards" or "Criollos".

What do you call a citizen of Philippines?

A citizen of the Philippines is called a Filipino.

What do you call the people that live in Philippines?

The people who live in the Philippines are called Filipinos.

Are Filipinos considered Asians?

Yes, they are. The Philippines is in Asia, therfore, Filipinos are considered Asians.

Why do they call the Phil an archipelago?

well it is because an archipelago means, "small islands". Philippines has small islands. Spaniards began to call it as archipelago.

What is the first religion in the Philippines before the Spaniards came?

The first religion in the Philippines before the arrival of the Spaniards was animism. Indigenous Filipino tribes practiced various forms of animism, believing in spirits and deities that inhabited nature, animals, and ancestors. These beliefs shaped their daily lives, rituals, and worldview.

Why did Jose Rizal write the novel 'el filibusterismu'?

Rizal portrayed a filibuster or rebel (who is himself) to reveal the moral cancer of Spanish officials in the Philippines during their regime of almost 400 years so as to incite rebellion to colonized filipinos.Jose Rizal wrote El Filibusterismo as a sequel to his novel, Noli me Tangere which was a form of propaganda. It was written as a wake-up call to Filipinos because during the Spanish regime, Filipinos were being mistreated by Spaniards in their own country. They were treated as slaves and were forced to pay big amounts of taxes. Its main purpose is to exploit the mistreatment of Filipinos in the hands of Spaniards and also for Filipinos to have some sense of Nationalism.Source(s):World history JOSHUA BRAGA

Why did Rizal write el fili?

El Filibusterismo is the novel next to Noli Me Tangere. Rizal wrote El Filibusterismo to give a wakeup call to the Filipinos because the Spaniards are mistreating their own nation.

What do you call to those Spaniards who was born in Spain?

Spaniards. Common sense~!

What is the main idea of the poem the last appeal of the Philippines by Andres bonifacio?

The main idea of the poem "The Last Appeal of the Philippines" by Andres Bonifacio is a call for unity and resistance against Spanish colonization in the Philippines. It emphasizes the need for Filipinos to rise up and fight for their independence, invoking a sense of nationalistic fervor and pride.

What do Spaniards call a siesta?

They call it a siesta. "Siesta" is a Spanish word.