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Humans have disagreed about religion since there was such a thing. Hindus and Muslims follow faiths that are pretty opposed to each other. Everyone wants to believe they are right. That is just human nature. When the indifference becomes more and more strong, it turns to 'Hatred'.

In addition to that, Hindus and Muslims in India have been in close contact for centuries and so have had plenty of opportunity to clash. A lot of conflicts rise from the fact that India was first Hindu and then it was conquered by Muslims who established the Mughal empire. Muslim invaders often demolished Hindu temples and built mosques on Hindu holy sites. Another problem rose when the British rule of India was ending. The British, who were unhappy at being thrown out, decided to set the people against one another before they left. They raised tensions, and people like Jinnah decided that they did not want a Hindu [Mahatma Gandhi] for prime minister. When huge riots arose, a partition finally happened, that left both sides feeling sore and ill treated. India, mostly Hindu, and Pakistan, mostly Muslim, have been kind of at each other's throats since then. Then the issue that the Babri Masjid, an abandoned Muslim mosque, had been built by the invaders on the site where Lord Rama, a Hindu God, had been born. They wanted to reclaim this understandably holy site, and of course the Muslims felt that this was unfair, since their mosque was already there. [Never mind that it was not in service anymore].

For these and countless other reasons, there is some animosity between some Hindus and some Muslims. Also, the hatred depends on the individuals not the community at large.

Not all the Hindus hate Muslims and not all the Muslims hate Hindus.

Especially in India, Hindus and Muslims live in harmony now!

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