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To explain the reasons for Caesar's death

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12y ago

Antony gave Caesar a crown and Caesar refused it.

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What did Brutus and Antony explain to the crowd Act III scene II of Julius Caesar?

The reasons for Caesar's death

How do you Compare and contrast Antony's and Brutus' funeral speech?

Brutus's purpose was to control the crowd as was Anthony's. Brutus began his speech with a hostile crowd against him as a murderer of the popular Julius Caesar.

How does the crowed react to Antony's speech?

After Julius Caesar was assassinated, Antony gave a eulogy purporting to praise Brutus. He kept repeating that Brutus was an honorable man while making it obvious that the opposite was true. The crowd turned against Brutus.

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Answer this question... Why do Brutus and Antony speak to the crowd in Act III, scene ii of Julius Caesar

How did Antony turn a crowd into a mob of rioters in 'Julius Caesar'?

He told them that Caesar was dead.

What two words did Antony repeat in his speech?

The two words that Antony repeated in his speech were "Brutus" and "ambitious." He used them to sway the crowd's opinion against Brutus and the other conspirators who killed Julius Caesar.

Who said Friends Romans countrymen Lend me your ears?

Because he wanted the people, audience to feel equal to him. Whereas Brutus made them feel like they were on a lower social class than him. Mark Antony wanted to connect to the people emotionally in order to influence them the way he wanted.

What are some specific examples of why plebeians are considered fickle in Julius Caesar?

Act 3 Scene 3. When Brutus speaks, the crowd thinks everything Brutus says makes sense. When Antony speaks, immediately afterward, the crowd thinks that everything that Antony says makes sense. They change their minds completely depending on who they are listening to.

Why did the crowd cheer in ACT 1 scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

Antony offered Caesar a crown and he refused it.

In Act III scene ii of Julius Caesar how does the crowd feel about Caesar after Antony's speechapex?

That caesar didnt deserve to be murdered

What did Brutus and Anthony explain to the crowd in act LL scene ii of Julius Caesar?

The reasons for Caesar's death

Who spoke for Julius in the Senate in this corpse?

Marc Antony began his famous eulogy for Caesar this way: Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears. I come not to bury Caesar but to praise him. For Brutus was an honorable man. Antony continued in a sarcastic vein sufficiently long for the crowd to pick up on the sarcasm and the criticism of Caesar and the conspirators who killed him, until he had turned the crowd against the conspirators, and Rome revolted. Antony became the next Caesar or emperor.