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According to unanimous opinion of Muslims, Muawiyah practised treachery and cheating against Ali (a.s.) and was the direct cause of battles that resulted in the bloodshed of Muslims. Let us not forget the fact that Ali (a.s.) was the rightful caliph of his time and according to the traditions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) it was incumbent upon all Muslims to obey him, and this included Muawiyah.

Secondly, during the caliphate of Imam Hasan (a.s.), one of the chiefs of the youth of Paradise, Muawiyah continued his political intrigue till Imam Hasan (a.s.) was forced to abdicate the caliphal seat in view of the risk to Islamic nation and Muslims.

And when Muawiyah secured the throne, he used illegal (Haraam) methods against his opponents and against the followers of Ali (a.s.).

He tyrannised the people by sword and by stopping their allowances from the public treasury if they were from the Shias of Ali (a.s.).

He initiated the evil practice of cursing Ali (a.s.) from the pulpits of mosques.

He was the first to create feelings of racial discrimination between tribes and nationalities. Arabs and non-Arabs were given different status. The amount of allowance varied for different classes of people.

He promoted the fabrication of traditions disparaging Ali (a.s.) and gave impetus to hadith in favour of his son Yazeed, who was a well-known transgressor of his time.

He distorted the face of Islam through the creation of misguided sects like the 'Murjea' etc.

He ordered the poisoning of the beloved grandson of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.). This was carried out through the Imam's wife, Judah bin Ashath bin Qays, by holding out a false promise to have her married to Yazeed.

After Muawiyah had broken the terms of treaty with Imam Hasan (a.s.), he said: "O people of Kufa! Did I fight you for prayers, zakat and hajj? Indeed you already pray, pay zakat and perform hajj. I fought you to rule over you. And indeed, Allah gave me this honour and debased you.

All the blood that has been shed over here deserved to be shed and every term of the treaty is trampled under my feet."

(Sharh Nahjul Balagha 16/14)

But Yazeed was way ahead of his father, Muawiyah! He tried in vain to obtain the pledge of allegiance by force from Imam Husain (a.s.). Even after breaking the terms of treaty with his brother Imam Husain (a.s.). We all know the position of Imam Hasan (a.s.) near the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). Many a times the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) remarked.

"Husain is from me and I am from Husain."

(Fadailul Khamsa Vol. 3, Pg. 263)

He (s.a.w.s.) also wept when Imam Husain (a.s.) was in his cradle. And he had prophesied the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.). Rather, he had forecasted his killing by a renegade group and even indicated the exact location. He (s.a.w.s.) took a handful of soil from that place (Karbala) and gave it to Ummul Momineen Umme Salmah and told her to keep it with her, saying that when Husain (a.s.) will be martyred, that soil would turn into blood.

(Tabaqat Ibne Sa'ad, Tradition no. 269)

This is Husain (a.s.), the chief of the youth of Paradise, who himself said about Yazeed,

"Yazeed is a transgressor, a drunkard and a murderer. And a person like me cannot pledge allegiance to such a man."

(Sayed Ibne Tawoos, Maqtal al-Husain Pg. 11)

It is necessary upon you to show your solidarity against those who hate Imam Husain (a.s.). What is to be said of Yazeed? After the serious carnage, they ordered the beheading of the martyrs. Even though, Imam Husain (a.s.) had exhausted all arguments. He was martyred alongwith his companions and family members in a condition of extreme thirst. He was having his women and children with him. The corpses of martyrs were trampled under the hooves of horses; then the ladies and children (especially, Hazrat Zainab (s.a.), the lion-hearted lady of Karbala) were taken as prisoners of war.

In their midst was the ailing youth, Imam Ali ibne Husain (a.s.) - titled Zainul Abdeen (ornament of the worshipper). Then they beheaded the corpses and carried the heads on the points of lances. When the head of Imam Husain (a.s.) was placed in the court of Yazeed, in a tray, Yazeed hit it with a cane and shamelessly recited obscene couplets.

May the curse of Allah be upon the oppressors. It is really surprising the some brothers harbour enmity with Shias based on the false accusation that Shias curse the companions. I don't know why they do not harbour enmity against Yazeed and Muawiyah who had cursed the two great personalities of Islam, Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) and his noble son, Imam Hasan (a.s.).

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Q: Why did yazid hate imam Hussein?
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Who killed yazid?

There are many stories as to how Yazid of the Umayyad Dynasty, who killed Hussein (RA) died, but nobody is sure of how it happened, or who did it.

Why is moharram celebrated?

For the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.

What is war of karbala?

The so called Umayyad King, Yazid came to power. With his evil intentions he wanted to destroy Islam. He began to turn right to false and false to right. Slowly he was turning the Islamic laws into false due to the fact he was in power. Yazid sent his messanger to Imam Hussain (grandson of prophet Muhammed) in Medina to pay pledge/kneel to Yazid. But Imam Hussain refused. THEN, the grandson of Prophet Muhammed stood against him. And at dessert of Karbala with 3 days hunger and thirst Imam Hussain gave his life for the right path and did not surrender or kneel to Yazid. according ro shia Muslims Imam Hussain S.A. the pious grandson of prophet Muhammad PBUH is the 3th leader of Muslims selected by God to lead Muslims after prophet. by military of Yazid they could not drink water from the Forat river. Imam Husain S.A and all his supporters (including a Christian supporter of Imam) were killed, including Husain's six months old infant son, and the women and children were taken as prisoners. Imam Hussain S.A. said the version of Islam made by Yazid is a fake Islam and said "with Yazid bye to Islam" and I want to save the real Islam for future humans by my blood. the Battle of Karbala cause Iranians think and understand there are two different versions of Islam: Islam of Imam Hussain S.A. and Islam of Yazid and this caused majority of Iranians accept shia Islam and convert from sunni Islam to shia Islam after Battle of Karbala. he was aware of being killed if go to Karbala because he received many warnings from Caliph before. he said: I moved to save religion of my grandfather Muhamamd PBUH. Yazid was corrupted King and did many sin publicly and scholars justified him. he had pool of wine and raped women and many sins all in the name of Islam and real Islam was being destroyed.

What was the significance of the Battle of Karbala?

To save the final word of ALLAH, to save the religion most beloved by ALLAH, to save ISLAM, to save HUMANITY, to raise the human conscience, to help the opressed stand up against the opressor, to make people understand that ALLAH be worshipped whatever situation they be in & not to give in to evil.Therefore IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) left His home in Madina (to save its sacntity), knowing what is in store ahead, with His family, friends & supporters, totalling around 72 male members plus some females, including the people of the House of PROPHET MOHAMMED (PEACE BE UPON HIM & HIS PROGENY) by the time the war started on 10 Moharrum, 61 Hijri in Karbala.IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) did not want a tyrant like yazid (ALLAH's curse on him) to take over the reins of the people, which the IMAM knew will lead to total destruction of ISLAM & human value in general since yazid (ALLAH's curse on him) was introducing new changes against the moral values of humanity.Hence to save humanity from all such things, IMAM had to raise His voice against this evil and so the battle happened.Answer Bat Muharram 10, in the year 61 of Islamic calendar (October 10, 680)The so called Umayyad King, Yazid came to power. With his evil intentions he wanted to destroy Islam. He began to turn right to false and false to right. Slowly he was turning the Islamic laws into false due to the fact he was in power. Yazid sent his messanger to Imam Hussain (grandson of prophet Muhammed) in Medina to pay pledge/kneel to Yazid. But Imam Hussain refused.THEN, the grandson of Prophet Muhammed stood against him. And at dessert of Karbala with 3 days hunger and thirst Imam Hussain gave his life for the right path and did not surrender or kneel to Yazid.according ro shia Muslims Imam Hussain S.A. the pious grandson of prophet Muhammad PBUH is the 3th leader of Muslims selected by God to lead Muslims after military of Yazid they could not drink water from the Forat river.Imam Husain S.A and all his supporters were killed, including Husain's six months old infant son, and the women and children were taken as prisoners.Imam Hussain S.A. said the version of Islam made by Yazid is a fake Islam and said "with Yazid bye to Islam" and I want to save the real Islam for future humans by my blood.the Battle of Karbala cause Iranians think and understand there are two different versions of Islam: Islam of Imam Hussain S.A. and Islam of Yazid and this caused majority of Iranians accept shia Islam and convert from sunni Islam to shia Islam after Battle of Karbala.he was aware of being killed if go to Karbala because he received many warnings from Caliph before.he said: I moved to save religion of my grandfather Muhamamd PBUH.Yazid was corrupted King and did many sin publicly and scholars justified him. he had pool of wine and raped women and many sins all in the name of Islam and real Islam was being destroyed.

When did they hang sadam Hussein?

beacause he was vey very ................. bad provoking hate people like people hate calm dont get inn problems cuz o0f a stuiped man

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What happened on muharram?

A battle took place on 10th of Muharram 61 AH (AD 680) in Karbala between Imam Hussein (R.A) and the drunkard Umayyad Chaliph Yazid ibn'e Muawiya's armies that caused the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (R.A) and his companions.

What has the author Yazid Hussein written?

Yazid Hussein has written: 'Aku ingin menulis' 'Bisikan Nadim'

When did yazid's army stop Imam Hussain's water?

at Karbala

How did hassan and hussan are died in war on 10 moharam about Islam?

First of all Imam Hasan (R.A) did not die in the war of Karbala. He died in Medina before the karbala incident. Imam Hussein (R.A) was martyred with his companions in the battle of Karbala on the 10th of Muharram year 61 AH (AD 680). Imam Hussein (R.A) was beheaded by Shimr ibn'e Dhiljawshan (the army of Yazid ibn'e Muawiyah) that caused his martyrdom.

Who is right Imam Hussein or Yazid?

Answer 1different sects have different yourself should research and decide.The so called Umayyad King, Yazid came to power. With his evil intentions he wanted to destroy Islam. He began to turn right to false and false to right. Slowly he was turning the Islamic laws into false due to the fact he was in power. Yazid sent his messanger to Imam Hussain (grandson of prophet Muhammed) in Medina to pay pledge/kneel to Yazid. But Imam Hussain refused.THEN, the grandson of Prophet Muhammed stood against him. And at dessert of Karbala with 3 days hunger and thirst Imam Hussain gave his life for the right path and did not surrender or kneel to Yazid.according ro shia Muslims Imam Hussain S.A. the pious grandson of prophet Muhammad PBUH is the 3th leader of Muslims selected by God to lead Muslims after military of Yazid they could not drink water from the Forat river.Imam Husain S.A and all his supporters (including a Christian supporter of Imam) were killed, including Husain's six months old infant son, and the women and children were taken as prisoners.Imam Hussain S.A. said the version of Islam made by Yazid is a fake Islam and said "with Yazid bye to Islam" and I want to save the real Islam for future humans by my blood.the Battle of Karbala cause Iranians think and understand there are two different versions of Islam: Islam of Imam Hussain S.A. and Islam of Yazid and this caused majority of Iranians accept shia Islam and convert from sunni Islam to shia Islam after Battle of Karbala.he was aware of being killed if go to Karbala because he received many warnings from Caliph before.he said: I moved to save religion of my grandfather Muhamamd PBUH.Yazid was corrupted King and did many sin publicly and scholars justified him. he had pool of wine and raped women and many sins all in the name of Islam and real Islam was being destroyed.Answer 2If you are asking who had the right to the throne, there is a difference between an Imam and a Caliph. Sunnis hold that Yazid, as murderous and vile as he was, was the proper Caliph since the Umayyad Caliphate was the continuation of the original Muslim Empire. Shiites hold that the proper leadership of the Caliphate remained in the Ahl Al-Bayt (the Prophet's relations). These proper leaders, who were not Caliphs were considered by the Shiites to be Imams, in the sense that they should be Caliph but are denied the right. As a result, it is a nonsense question to ask a Sunni whether Hussein or Yazid is the proper Imam since Sunni Islam does not have this concept. Hussein is very much respected in the Sunni Tradition, however, as opposed to Yazid who is almost universally reviled. For the Shiites, Answer 1 above makes it quite clear that they they see Hussein as the proper Imam and the man who should have been Caliph.If you are asking who had the moral high-ground in the confrontation between Hussein and Yazid, both Sunnis and Shiites tend to accord the moral high-ground to Hussein.

Who killed yazid?

There are many stories as to how Yazid of the Umayyad Dynasty, who killed Hussein (RA) died, but nobody is sure of how it happened, or who did it.

What year was Imam Hussein born in?

What is moharram?

For the commemoration the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.

What is the colour of imam Hussein's horse?


What was Imam Hussein known for?

Imam Hussein is know as a martyr and hero for both Shia and the Sunni. His martyr was for the refusal to pledge allegiance to yazid I, also known for the Umayyad caliph. For this he was exiled, however, many people agreed with his actions and requested that he come back. In doing so his caravan was attacked and he was beheaded, striking a day of mourning on the 10th day of Muharram, also known as the Ashura, for all Shia Muslims.

Why is moharram celebrated?

For the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.

What happens in Karbala during Ashura?

Karbala, a city in Iraq, commemorates the Battle of Karbala on Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. It marks the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and his followers by the forces of the Umayyad caliph Yazid in 680 CE. The event is a significant moment of mourning and reflection for Shia Muslims around the world who gather to honor Imam Hussein's sacrifice and the values of justice and standing against oppression.