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They dumped the tea because they were getting taxed by a king 3000 miles away, an they didn't think it was fair, so since the tea was worth thousands of dollars, and it was the kings most prized possession they knew that he would get mad. And since they were dressed up as the Indians the king thought it was the Indians because he might of thought that they were mad because the colonist were moving west more and more


The tea was not the King's most prized possession. The King didn't own the tea that was destroyed. It was targeted because the British government gave a monopoly on the importation of tea to the struggling East India Company which meant the colonists had to buy tea (a very important drink) from them. To help the company further, the government reduced the tax on the tea so the price of tea actually became cheaper.

The colonists resented this and refused to pay the tea tax. THey saw it as interference from the government in their lives. Arguments raged for years over the tea tax and the monopoly and came to a head when 3 ships with cargo holds of cheap tea docked in Boston in 1773. Anger with the government boiled over resulting in a group of colonists boarding the ships and dumping the 342 crates of tea overboard.

The King was not mad at the colonists for moving west, mostly irritated at the American refusal to buckle under and pay the taxes. The colonists disguised themselves as Indians to protect their identities. By throwing the tea in the harbour, they were basically thumbing their noses at the government and committing what could be seen as an act of treason if they were caught. The British government knew the Indians were not responsible.

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they did that because they didnt want to use what england gave them

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What tea was dumped into the harbor?

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The colonist dumped tea because the British were taxing them

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Approximately 342 chests of tea were dumped overboard during the Boston Tea Party.

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The Sons of Liberty

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There were 50,000 chests of tea dumped into the Boston harbor during this time. This was a lot of tea to the point that the message was made clear.

What was dumped into the harhor of BostonMassachusetts on December 161773?

British tea was dumped into Boston Harbor. This event is known in history as the Boston Tea Party.