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Most Protestants want to remain WITH Britain and not become part of a united Ireland. Irish nationalists want to unite the country - hence the troubles. The division of Ireland into the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic republic and the north, which remained part of the renamed the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland', dates from 1921. In that year Ireland was divided, following a vicious civil war. The most recent 'troubles' have been ongoing since 1969 (with breaks). Joncey

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Because the nation was spit between Catholic Irish loyalists who fight for a united Ireland and the Protestant Irish Uster who wish to become a part of the U.K

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Q: Why did the troubles in Northern Ireland start?
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How Northern Ireland split?

The country splitted when the troubles started in Northern Ireland.

The problems in northern Ireland were called this?

'The Troubles'. Ulster

Is the fighting in Northern Ireland or Southern Ireland?

Neither. There is peace in Ireland now. The troubles are largely over but would have been in Northern Ireland.

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yes they are

What conflict took place in N Northern Ireland?

The Troubles.

What is polite in Northern Ireland?

To avoid discussion of politics or 'the troubles'

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It's Ireland, not Island. The answer is 3,526

What name was given to the conflict between the protestants and the Catholics in Ireland?

The Irish frequently refer to the conflict in Northern Ireland as "the troubles".

How long did the troubles in Northern Ireland last?

1968-1998 im to lazy to do the math holla

What is the catholic point of view on the troubles in northern Ireland?

that the English don't give us the same rights.

Is there fighting in Northern Ireland?

No, not now. The so-called Troubles ran from the late 1960s to the mid 1990s.

Did the peace process spread to the Republic of Ireland?

The troubles were almost exclusively confined to Northern Ireland, so it didn't really need to spread to the Republic of Ireland as such. During the course of the troubles there were incidents in the Republic of Ireland and in Britain, but the centre of the problem lay in Northern Ireland. Once the peace process was established there, things improved. The Irish and British governments were part of the peace process insofar as they helped the parties in Northern Ireland to work together and gave them support in many other ways.