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The pilgrims and puritans came to american to practice religious freedom and escape religious prosecution.

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Q: Why did the pilgrims and puritans come to North America for religious freedom?
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Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans come to America?

In short, for religious freedom.

Which early settlers wanted religious freedom-?

Puritans and Pilgrims

What were the Pilgrims' and Puritans' reasons for settling in America?

The Pilgrims came to America in search of religious freedom to practice their faith without persecution. The Puritans sought to create a society based on their religious beliefs and values, where they could establish a community guided by their interpretation of the Bible.

Which colonial religion settled by pilgrims and puritans seeking religious freedom?

The religion settled by the pilgrims and puritans seeking religious freedom was Christianity, specifically Protestantism. The pilgrims sought to separate from the Church of England, while the puritans aimed to purify and reform the church. Both groups played a significant role in shaping the religious landscape of colonial America.

Who wanted to found a colony in America because they wanted religious freedom?

the puritans and the pilgrims came in droves!

Why were the Pilgrims in Plymouth and the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay Colony eager to settle colonies in North America?

for religious freedom

Where did the pilgrims and the puritans go for religious freedom?

They went to Massachusetts

What 2 things came to America to avoid religious persecution?

The Pilgrims and the Puritans came to America to escape religious persecution in England. These groups sought religious freedom and the ability to practice their beliefs without interference.

The Pilgrims and Puritans went to what state for religious freedom?

New England:)

What were things the Puritans didn't like about the Church of England?

It was not what the Pilgrims were seeking in terms of religious freedom. That is why they left for America.

Did the piligrims or puritans want freedom of religion?

The Pilgrims sought religious freedom from the Church of England, prompting their migration to America. The Puritans, on the other hand, sought to create a society based on their strict religious beliefs and did not necessarily support freedom of religion for other groups.

What four colonies did early settlers come for religious freedom?

puritans and pilgrims