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Because of unemployed young men who were disaffected with their political leaders.

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Q: Why did the great depression help extremist leaders gain power in many nations during the 1930?
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Only a few leaders.

Why did Van Buren do little to solve the nations economic problems during the depression?

because of economic wealth

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The most well know extremist group during reconstruction was the Klu Klux Klan or the KKK.

Is balance of power and alliances relate to Great Depression during world war 2?

The great depression of the 1930's influenced the power and alliances of the nations involved in WW2.

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Following the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the subsequent Great Depression, the people of some countries were unhappy with the policies of their democratic governments and started listening to extremist politicians.

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war production during the war helped industry and pulled nations out of the Great Depression.

Opposition to the League of Nations by the US Senate during the Paris Peace Conference?

... gave allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position.

Which country was strong economically during the Great Depression?

The US was better off than any of the European nations, Germany was especally hard hit.

Which of the following describes the link between U.S. foreign policy and the rise of Islamic extremist leaders in Afghanistan during the late 20th century?

The United States provided Islamic extremists with weapons to help them fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

What helped caused the nations depression during the Van Buren presidency?

It started when Pres. Andrew Jackson refused to sign the renewal of the federal bank charter.

What helped cause the nations depression during Van Buren's presidency?

It started when Pres. Andrew Jackson refused to sign the renewal of the federal bank charter.