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Because they believed that an armed populace, organized into a well regulated militia, was a good way to defend the country without a large professional army and that it would give the people the ability to defend their liberties if the government ever became tyrannical. Look at modern Switzerland. That is the kind of model that our founders were thinking of.

Michael Montagne

I figure it is partly due to the fact that British forces marched into Lexington and Concord with the intent to seize the militia's arms. This imprinted into the American mind a direct relationship between firearms and freedom.

It is'NT even conjectural as many made coment on it. Not for self protection, not for hunting, not even to protect from foreign invaders. Simply that the people, the militia, be able to wrest power from a government, overtly or insideously, removing power form the people. Every political figure knows that to impose the governments will on the people you must disarm them. Our second amendment has been broken already with the 1934 nfa and all subsequent gun control. They are convincing the sheeple of Amereica that they need protecting from themselves. Don't let it happen.

The Second Amendment allowed for state militias on the cheep, by using citizens arms. It also was a counter balance to the power of the federal government. But the Second Amendment has been an anachronism for over 150 years. State Militias , now known as the National Guard, issue arms to its members. In addition, the most significant arms in the modern military include fighter jets, misiles, artillery, heavy weapons and such, not the kind of things most parents want floating around the neighbor. To allow anyone to own such arms by right is completely uncivilized and not the kind of world most sane people would want to raise a family in.

The 2nd Amendment was intended as a final check of government authority

The militia interpetaion...that some how the National Guard constitutes a "well regulated militia" is ridiculous...any force who ultimately is completely controlled by the regular federal armed forces is in no way securing the right of the people to keep and bear arms...even if the governor can call on them to help with hurricane still in no way means that they are the kind of militia that the Founders had in mind

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -Thomas Jefferson

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of The United States reads as follows:

'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' The capitalisation and punctuation are as the original version passed by Congress

Now the issue here it seems is largely what is meant by 'Militia' but before I address that consider this. When the amendments were written and passed by congress they and the constitution they amended were intended to be read in conjunction with and to provide the means to defend both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

The drafters of the Declaration of Independence had experience of the use of a standing army to oppress the people.

A standing army is a tool of government and can be used by a government to enforce its rule in defiance of the wishes of the people.

A standing army tends to be distanced from the people and its members are often not from the locality in which they are stationed. They do not have much of a connection with the locals making their use against the local population much easier.

The drafters of the second amendment were fully aware of this. They had seen standing armies in Europe used against their own people when those people objected to government oppression or indifference.

Their intention was that there would be no standing army in their new country to prevent a future government using such an army against its own people.

The defence of the country was to be carried out by the armed citizens who would form a Militia as and when needed for that purpose. And should a government become oppressive to the people, to provide the means for the people to remove the government and replace it.

So despite arguments to the contrary from some. The term 'Militia' does not mean the National Guard nor does it mean the regular military forces which are under the direct control of the federal government.

The meaning of 'Militia' intended by the drafters of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of The United States, and The Bill of Rights, of which the Second Amendment is a part is, literally, THE PEOPLE. The individuals who make up the population of the United States.

When the Second Amendment is read, as it should be read, in conjunction with the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of The United States. The meaning of the word 'Militia' intended by the founders of the United States is clear and unambiguous.

Brian Thwaites LL.B (Hons)

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Because every human has the right to defend their person and/or property against literally anything that may be forced upon that individual, against their will, by another, whether it be an individual, group, or government of any kind, doing the forcing.

There is no means by which an immoral act can be somehow changed into a moral one, (legislation, so called "authority", police badges, etc.) by governments or by men, period. man's law is created by men, and men are fallible, corruptible, and self-serving creatures, period.

There is no debating that. Truth is truth, whether it is believed by one or a thousand, and a lie is a lie, whether it is believed by a hundred, or a billion.

Natural law is the only legitimate, logical, lasting, immutable, and ever-present law that humans are continually subject to. mine or your belief in it is not required for this to be so.

The only authority another human has over us, is that which we allow them to have.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and nobody's fooling nobody here.

We all know right from wrong.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

That sentence alone, governs you, me, and every other human in existence, not some equally fallible, corruptible, and self-serving human.

The very idea of it, is pure fallacy in it's conception. No amount of legitimacy or logic can be assigned to any form of man-made human "authority", to rule over other equally fallible, corruptible, and self-serving humans, without invoking logical fallacies, cognitive errors, and / or argumentative errors to do so, which negates any logic or legitimacy that they are used to assert as such.

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"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

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The Second Amendment was added to allow citizens a defense against tyranny in the government.

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To protect the right to bear arms.

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Q: Why did the founding fathers include the Second Amendment?
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How were the founding fathers chosen?

they were the group of representatives sent to the second continental congress where they had the idea of writing the declaration of independence.

Who introduced the second amendment of the constitution?

James Madison wrote the actual amendment in response to states concern over a federal military coup. He also wrote the Federalist Papers.

How did the First Triumvirate lead to the rule of Julius Caesar in Rome?

The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.The result of the fall of the second triumvirate was a civil war and the founding of the principate by Octavian/Augustus.

What amendment is People have the right to keep and bear arms?

The Second Amendment.

Why are Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln on Mount Rushmore with two of the founding fathers should it not be just founding fathers?

The monument on Rushmore was intended to honor presidents of the United States, not founding fathers. It just so happens, perhaps not coincidentally, that two of the men everybody agrees were among the greatest presidents, Washington and Jefferson, were also founding fathers. Everybody also agrees that Lincoln is one of the greatest presidents, certainly second only to Wshington and there are those who would rate him above Washington. As for Teddy Roosevelt, he may have seemed more important when the monument was being sculpted, in the 1930's, than he does now. Even then there were those who felt he was not important enough to be included with the other three but he was a cousin of Franklin Roosevelt who was president when the project was under way so what are you going to do? Michael Montagne Theodore Roosevelt is the backbone and founder of the national park system. Roosevelt was an avid outdoorsman and he loved to travel the country. That could be why he is on there.

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What gives an American the right to carry a gun?

Most people would say the second amendment, but the second amendment only guarantees the right, which the founding fathers saw as a God-given human right.

Does the second amendment protect the right to carry a weapon?

Technically, no. It allows our Militia have weapons, but back then our Founding Fathers thought citizens need it to back away Indians or animals. Not thinking of the dangers we have today.

Why was the second continental congress more like a government then the first congenital congress?

because of the Founding Fathers

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The 22nd Amendment set term limits for the president. The amendment was prompted by the fact that President Roosevelt had been elected to four terms and could have been elected to more had he not died in office. Some felt President Washington had set the number of terms that were intended by the founding fathers when he declined to run for a third term.

How were the founding fathers chosen?

they were the group of representatives sent to the second continental congress where they had the idea of writing the declaration of independence.

Who introduced the second amendment of the constitution?

James Madison wrote the actual amendment in response to states concern over a federal military coup. He also wrote the Federalist Papers.

Why did the founders refer to gun ownership for hunting and sport very rarely?

if you mean the founding fathers it is because that wasn't the reason for gun ownership. they wrote the second amendment, giving freedom to own guns, because they wanted people to be able to defend themselves from the government.

What amendment allows people to own weapons?

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States declares that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In Full: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Many laws and rulings have challenged this and to this day there is still much controversy surrounding many of the restrictions placed on weapons ownership in the US as well as the actual meaning or intent of the founding fathers. Many historical documents from those days written by the founding fathers give no indication that this means anything other than that all law-abiding citizens have a fundamental right to own firearms.

Why is the US government prohibited from infringing the right to keep and bear arms?

Because that right is enshrined in the US constitution.The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.Therefore changing this significantly may require a change to the US constitution.

What is second amendment called?

The second Amendment.

Who was John Adams and what did he do?

John Adams was one of the Founding Fathers of America. He served as the 2nd President of the United States.

Who is given rights under the constitution?

The constitution gave the rights to the people, because the british were so bad to the colonies. The founding fathers didn't want those rights taken away again so they gave rights to the people. An example would be the right to bear arms in the second amendnent, and the freedom of speech, opinion, religion, and press in the furst amendment.