The US and Soviet Union distrust each other because of their different governments. The US and Western Europe were democratic and favored free trade while the Soviet Union and many other East European countries were communist. The US and Soviet Union emerged as super powers after WWII with atomic weapons that could take out entire cities with one bomb. Both sides feared that the other would use these atomic weapons and that the other government style would spread unto their own, taking over theirs.
Beginning of ideological war, pressure of becoming the dominant World Superpower, and a growing distrust of each other and Allies
The United States and the Soviet Union were allied in World War II, but faced each other in the Cold War of the 1960s.
Answer It
Germany and the Soviet-Union were the two nations that made a pact not to attack each other. The full name of the Soviet Union was the U.S.S.R (United Soviet Socialist Republic). They made this pact so Germany wouldn't have to fight another war on two fronts (the eastern and western fronts). In a secret part of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, Hitler and Stalin (the Pact was secret) agreed to split Poland between them.
They simby (kerglish) did not like each other
Beginning of ideological war, pressure of becoming the dominant World Superpower, and a growing distrust of each other and Allies
The US and the Soviet Union were able to relate to each other at the United Nations. They made agreements on arms control.
the cold war
The United States and the Soviet Union were allied in World War II, but faced each other in the Cold War of the 1960s.
The Soviet Union (U.S.S.R) and the United States
Answer It
Germany and the Soviet-Union were the two nations that made a pact not to attack each other. The full name of the Soviet Union was the U.S.S.R (United Soviet Socialist Republic). They made this pact so Germany wouldn't have to fight another war on two fronts (the eastern and western fronts). In a secret part of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, Hitler and Stalin (the Pact was secret) agreed to split Poland between them.
YES. The Nazi's hated the communism of the soviet union. Hitler wanted to take over the Soviet Union in order to achieve is goal OS leibensram "living space". Nazi's and communisms both hated and feared each other.
a treaty? a promise to be broken?
The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union and The United States
They simby (kerglish) did not like each other