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Actually, this was a common belief among many religious groups-- Christians too believed this: the New Testament asserted that because of Eve's sin, all of humanity had to suffer, and for that reason, women must be in "subjection" to men. In fact, most religions in the ancient world, including Greece and Rome, were patriarchal. Male deities were dominant, and the pantheon of gods and goddesses was almost always led by a male. This reflected societal and cultural prejudices-- in ancient Greece as well as in much of the world at that time, few women had any political power; most were restricted to the domestic sphere and not encouraged to get a formal education (other than the skills needed to run a home).

Blaming women for the problems of society was very common, and attributing negative actions and behaviors to women was also common. For example, in Greek mythology, Pandora (the first human female created by the gods) angered them because she was too curious: it was because of her, Greeks believed, that evil came into the world, when she opened a box the gods had given her that she was not supposed to open.

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Q: Why did the Greeks blamed the first woman for bringing evil into the world?
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