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Hitler really never intended to get involved in this theater of operations, preferring to leave it to his Italian allies. But once the British began driving the Italians not only out of Egypt, but towards Tripoli, Hitler decided it was time, once again, to bail his ally out. The Germans had already done a survey of this region, the findings stating that as long as Malta was in British hands, no more than 4 Panzer divisions could be sustained in Afrika. And anything less than 4 would not be sufficient to accomplish the stated goals. So Hilter invaded Egypt as a method to propping up Mussolini. The problem that the Afrika Korps experienced was that the eastern front consumed all of Hitler's attention. It was not until after Operation Torch that Hitler finally send over the level of troops that were required. If he had done this in either 41 or even early 42, then Rommel would have had the strength to have driven into Egypt and beaten the British

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11y ago

Originally Hitler sent his forces to North Africa to bail out his friend Mussolini, who had become bogged down in that region. Germany's real war was against Russia (Soviet Union); North Africa was a "side-show" for them. Hitler had about 75% of his military might tied up against the Russians (Soviets).

However, not to waste resources, since German Forces were to be sent to that region anyway, an ulterior motive was created to gain control of the Suez Canal for possible future strategical reasons. The German High Command was well aware of the fact that a Russian Battleship Fleet had traversed the Suez Canal while enroute to the Pacific in 1905 to engage in battle with the Japanese Battleship Fleet (Battle of Tsushima 27 May 1905).

Japanese Forces would eventually begin advancing westward to India (China, Burma, India Theater-CBI); these forces would be stopped by combined British Armies and the US Army's Merrill's Marauders. The allies would ensure that there would be NO link-up between German & Japanese forces.

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15y ago

Italy had been badly beaten by the British in North Africa in 1940-41, and the Germans were sent to bolster them. When the US invaded North Africa in 1942, more Germans were sent in hopes of repulsing them.

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14y ago

Hitler had a dream that his Aryan Germans would take over all of Europe, establishing the Third Reich (Third great German empire). He also used the term "lebensraum" to describe the need for more living space for his German people. Attacking Western Europe was motivated by both of these goals.

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But Germany did not invade the United Kingdom, Britain, England or whatever you chose to call it. In fact, the Germans were defeated in the Battle of Britain (1940).

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13y ago

Because Hitler wanted to take over europe, kill all the jews, slavs, other "infeior" peoples and make the Aryans the "Master Race"

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Q: Why did the Germans invade Africa in World War 2?
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driving the Germans and Italians out of Africa

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Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, when Germany invaded Poland - so began the second World War in Europe.

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England could have easily been invaded by the Germans if Hitler had decided to invade England. He chose to invade Russia instead.

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Because both the British and Germans had a presence there.

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The Germans did not invade England in modern times such as during the first or second World Wars. Some German tribes did invade England around the 5th century AD, ending the Roman-British culture established there by the Roman Empire. The main reason the Germans didn't invade in the 2nd world war was the British fought and won against the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, meaning the British had air superiority. It would be suicidal to attempt air or amphibious invasion without air superiority, therefore the Germans didn't invade.