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The Crusades were started because the the Muslims, Christians, and Jews all share the Holy Land of Israel, and the first crusade occured because the Christians were trying to recapture the holy land.

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Q: Why did the Crusades happen?
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When did Northern Crusades happen?

Northern Crusades happened in 12##.

Where did the crusades happen?


Which of these did not happen as a result of the Crusades?

Crusades used to occupy Jerusalem for times, but the Turk(Muslim) always get it back

What happen in the crusades in 638?

nothing as they occurred 11-13th centuries.

Why did the Crusades happened?

The same reason all wars happen: Greed of The Chaldean thieves. === ===

Why the crusades could or couldn't happen today?

It can't happen today because of the politics,trade, and economics. Well that's what i think.

What happen in a result of crusades exposing Western Europe to the Muslims world?

New territories were established.

Did the crusades happen during the high middle ages?

The Crusades to the Holy Land all happened during the High Middle Ages. There were later military actions also called Crusades that happened in other places. An example was the Hussite Crusade, which happened in Central Europe during the period of 1420 to 1434.

What did not happen as a result of the Crusades?

The Crusades, and there were many of them in the Middle Ages, meant to keep the Holy Land, a Christian stronghold. It's great distance from Europe however, left it to Islamic peoples to dominate Jerusalem, as one example.

What are 2 reasons that the crusades happen?

one is fighting over the Holey land and fighting over different views in religion

What was the goals of the crusades?

There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.

How many crusades took place?

Four Crusades, with other negligible crusades.