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The Chinese invented gunpowder for war reasons. They wanted an advantage over their enemy.This has nothing to do with why invented it but they invented it around A.D 800-850. Gunpowder was made up of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur.

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14y ago

Chinese Taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. Emperor Wu Di (156-87 BC) of the Han dynasty financed research done by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them.

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Gunpowder was invented by the Ancient Chinese. Gunpowder came to Europe in the 1260s.

When did the Chinese invent the gunpowder?

The Chinese invented gunpowder in 850 B.C.

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It was invented in the 1800s. Soldiers used gunpowder in the Civil War and both World Wars. Gunpowder has been around for a very long time. :)

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Who invented the gunpowder during the Renaissance?

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