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Because the British had already fought a war in North America. The French were a formidable enemy at that time and the British had to spend alot of resources. This is why Americans were so heavily taxed in the time period before the Revolutionary War. This taxation led to a hatred of the British by Americans.

In short the British opposed American independence for no other reason than their colony, which created a handsome revenue.

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Reynold Berge

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Because the British had already fought a war in North America. The French were a formidable enemy at that time and the British had to spend alot of resources. This is why Americans were so heavily taxed in the time period before the Revolutionary War. This taxation led to a hatred of the British by Americans.

In short the British opposed American independence for no other reason than their colony, which created a handsome revenue.

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Q: Why did the British oppose the American Revolution?
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