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To force native Americans to relocate west of the Mississippi River

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To end the French and Indian War.

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Q: Why did the British Parliament issue the Proclamation of 1763 after the French and Indian War?
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Why did the British Parliament issue proclamation of 1763 after the French and Indian war?

To force native Americans to relocate west of the Mississippi River

Why did british parliament issue the proclamation of 1763 after the French and Indian War?

To force native Americans to relocate west of the Mississippi River

What were some laws passed by Parliament during the time period of the french and Indian war?

Laws passed by the British Parliament during the French Indian War include the Currency Act of 1764 and the Quartering Act in 1765.

Why did the British Parliament pass?

The British Parliament passed acts because they owed money to those who helped them in the French and Indian War.

What did King George the 3rd do for Canada?

He signed the Royal Proclamation, the Proclamation was to give the British Canada in the Revolutionary War or the French and Indian war.

What was the rusult of the French and Indian War?

British parliament thought the colonists should pay the cost of the war that is why the British parliament thought this war that the french would win in the war.

Why did the british parliament issuse the proclamtion of 1763 after the french and indian war?

i htink the british started the proclamation line due to the fact that it had already been alot of money from the war that they didnt have much or any money to pay the soldiers to protect the colonists from the native Americans. so king george tht 3rd prohibeted the colconists to stttle west of the Appalachian mountains.

Who asked the colonists to help pay the costs of the french and Indian war but they refused?

British Parliament

Why did the British Parliament need to tax the colonist?

To pay for all the damage from the French and Indian war.

Why did the British parliament meet with protests from the colonist in the years right after the french and Indian war?

British Parliament was met with protests from the colonists in the years after the French and Indian war for tightening their control over America and attempting to enforce more tax regulations. The colonists protested and took measures to boycott British goods.

Why did British parliament meet with protests from colonists in the years right after the french and Indian war?

British Parliament was met with protests from the colonists in the years after the French and Indian war for tightening their control over America and attempting to enforce more tax regulations. The colonists protested and took measures to boycott British goods.

Why did british parliament meet with protests from the colonists in the years right after the French and Indian War?

British Parliament was met with protests from the colonists in the years after the French and Indian war for tightening their control over America and attempting to enforce more tax regulations. The colonists protested and took measures to boycott British goods.