Because he was not black and he thought that blacks should do every thing and that blavks wher not better then whites
Because Kennedy promised to help pass laws for equal rights for all and end segregation. However he wasn't able to get enough support in congress, particularily with southern democrats ("dixiecrats"). Lyndon Johnson was supposed to help out with that but LBJ didn't do squat for JFK so pretty much none of Kennedy's proposals were listened to -- one notable exception being the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
they disfranshised blacks by: making them pay to vote, pass a literacy test, and understand the state constitution.
Blacks could vote if 1. They could read (they had to pass a literacy test) 2. Their grandfather was not a slave (this limited the number of freedmen that could vote)
Congress wouldn't pass them. The discrimination and Jim Crow laws were in powerful southern districts and they prevented the passage of civil rights. Plus, the Supreme Court ruled in the Brown decision that separate but equal wasn't equally.
Southern states passed laws to restrict the rights of freed slaves in order to maintain white supremacy and social control. These laws aimed to limit the economic, political, and social opportunities available to African Americans, creating a system of segregation and discrimination known as Jim Crow.
because republicans had just finished freeing the slaves as soon as the war was over and the southern states had been readmitted, southern democrats immediately set to work to pass laws limiting the freedom of black people.
Many people were against it. Southern Democrats and republicans were fighting against the act and it took LBJ all his skill to pass it.
Because he was not black and he thought that blacks should do every thing and that blavks wher not better then whites
Jim Crow Laws
they disfranshised blacks by: making them pay to vote, pass a literacy test, and understand the state constitution.
Because Kennedy promised to help pass laws for equal rights for all and end segregation. However he wasn't able to get enough support in congress, particularily with southern democrats ("dixiecrats"). Lyndon Johnson was supposed to help out with that but LBJ didn't do squat for JFK so pretty much none of Kennedy's proposals were listened to -- one notable exception being the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
From the 1870s to the end of the 19th century, southern states passed laws that restricted the rights of nonwhites. They enacted laws which made segregation legal. These laws became known as Jim Crow Laws. States, counties, and towns enacted such laws and the local and state police forces enforced the laws. They were also upheld by local courts, usually trials consisting of all white juries. In some areas, the laws were also enforced by the use of violence and fear tactics. Mob violence included lynching against southern blacks and the activities of the KKK continued into the early 20th century. Laws were also passed to prevent blacks from voting, via polling taxes and literacy tests before a person could register to vote. Several Supreme Court decisions also enforced the right of states to pass Jim Crow laws. The Court ruled the Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional and said the 14th Amendment did not protect blacks from discrimination by businesses or individuals. (1883) The most famous case was Plessy v. Ferguson which declared separate but equal facilities constitutional.
pass laws
A well-known pass in southern Austria in Brenner Pass (Brennero) who links it with Italy.
the congress may veto laws or pass laws for a city.