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its because the jungle is full of predators and things being hidden, just like the setting of the book, and quite literally the setting of the book is like the jungle with all the garbage and junk around, but i just made this up and i don't know if its right

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Q: Why did sinclair title his novel the jungle?
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Who wrote a novel called The Jungle in 1906?

Upton Sinclair is the author of the 1906 novel The Jungle

Who is the author of the novel The Jungle?

Upton Sinclair.

What are some books with jungle in the title?

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Who published a novel entitled The Jungle?

The American novelist Upton Sinclair

Which novel detailed working conditions in the meatpacking industry during the Progressive Era?

The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, was about working conditions in the meatpacking industry.

Why do you think sinclair titled his novel the jungle?

Upton Sinclair titled his novel "The Jungle" to symbolize the harsh and brutal conditions faced by the characters in the urban industrial landscape of Chicago. The jungle represents the struggle for survival, exploitation of workers, and the corruption prevalent in society during that time.

What social problem did Upton Sinclair's novel jungle describe?

The Jungle described the living and working conditions in Chicago's stockyards.

What 1906 novel about food and drugs created a law?

Maybe the Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Upton Sinclair's novel the jungle led to the passage of what act?

The Meat Inspection Act

What novel revealed the unsanitary conditions found in Chicago's stockyards?

"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair

What did uptan Sinclair write?

Upton Sinclair wrote the novel "The Jungle," which exposed the harsh conditions in Chicago's meatpacking industry and contributed to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.

Where was The Jungle published?

The Jungle was published in New York by Doubleday Books in 1905. It was a classical literature novel. Upton Sinclair was the author.