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Yes, there were eight rebellions against William the Conqueror.

1067: Rebels attacked Dover Castle, but failed to capture it.

1067-1069: Edric the Wild and Welsh kings rebelled in the West Midlands. Edric surrendered in 1070 and was pardoned.

1068: King Harold's sons sailed from Ireland and attacked Bristol. They were defeated.

1068: Other rebels took control of Exeter but surrendered after eighteen-day siege. William built a castle in Exeter.

1069: King Harold's sons landed with 60 shiploads of men and attacked Exeter. Norman soldiers from Exeter Castle defeated them and forced them to return to Ireland.

1069: The Norman commanders in York and Durham were killed by rebels. The rebels made alliances with the Kings of Scotland and Denmark. William marched north, won back control of the area and built two castles in York.

However, a large Danish army joined the northern rebels in another attack on York. William forced the Danes to flee and punished the local people so harshly. This event was called, The Harrying of the North.

1070: Small rebellions in Cheshire and Staffordshire.

1070: King Swein of Denmark sailed to England with a large army. Swein landed and set up a camp in the Fenlands near Ely.

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12y ago

Because he is not British , also because when William became king he changed the lords to Norman ones and got rid of the castles and churches and changed them with bigger grander Norman ones . They rebelled because they felt like he was changing England into Normandy

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cause they wanted to!xx

It's life love x Yeh they did :)

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gucci mane

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