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The Nazi party believed in one major thing: race division. Importantly, that the Aryan people were the best, and the Jewish people were so bad, they weren't even human. The Jews had been blamed by Hitler for causing the loss of World War 1, so eliminating these people who were causing so much strife was a clear-set goal for a clear-set enemy.

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Q: Why did natzis kill jews?
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Circumsation. Last names. The ones who didn't go to church.

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The main way of exterminating the Jews was gassing. The jews were driven into gas chambers like cattle and then gassed. Others had to work for the nazis and succumbed to the harsh conditions in the camps. Many were shot by nazi guards, too.

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Primarily, the Nazis deemed Jews, Gypsies, and homosexual people as sub-human, therefore open to being robbed, beaten up, experimented on, and executed by the millions.

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