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I think everyone wants to have some understanding of why things go wrong in their lives. Being in a randomly dangerous world is frightening and impossible to cope with. When the people of the Middle Ages saw people dying in very large numbers, they needed to feel there was a reason for it. Since they thought in terms of religion, the answer they arrived at was framed in terms of religion.

Suppose a terrible disease hit mankind today, and half the people in the world died in the course of three or four years. We would want to know why, and since we think in terms of science, we would finding answers in terms of microorganisms or viruses. But the next question is where did it come from? And a lot of people would put blame on some person or organization that they could blame. Their choices would probably be the CIA, Monsanto, the government of Iran, space aliens who wanted to reduce the human population, a mad scientist in Patagonia, or whatever. There would even be a large number of people who would blame the whole thing on our sins, and say it was God's punishment.

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medieval people were punished because of sins and crimes such as nagging, thieving letting your stock ruin other peoples gardens or farms, murder and so on

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Q: Why did medieval people think that god was punishing them?
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