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I don't think they did. I know they did in 1941, Dec 7th. This was a pre emptive strike designed to cripple US Naval influence in the Pacific.

Japan could do nothing to Pearl Harbor in 1944, they were losing the war badly by that time although capturing each island was slow and cost many lives. Almost all their carriers had been sunk too. The attack was in 1941, as stated above.

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The militarily lead government of Japan had strategic plans to conquer vast amounts of the Pacific. Japan was reeling from an economic embargo put in place by the US. as punishment for their brutal war in Manchuria. They believed that their only alternative to economic collapse was to seize new resources before they became to weak to fight. The attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor was an attempt to eliminate American opposition to their planned invasions of territory around the Pacific. They felt that with the US fleet crippled at Pearl that would have time to consolidate their conquered lands and would then later try to negotiate a peace agreement from a position of strength before the US could fully recover.

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Q: Why did japan bomb Pearl Harbor in 1944?
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"affected", not "effected".

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The main target that Japan bombed in 1941 was Pearl Harbor.