It was generally agreed among the Conservative leadership and among the other parliamentary parties that Neville Chamberlain was completely inept, and only Winston Churchill with his practical experiences of the Boer war and WWI could lead a coalition government.
The British Prime Minister at the outbreak of World War II was Neville Chamberlain who actually declared war in 1939. He was succeeded by Winston Churchill in May 1940.Neville Chamberlain was the British prime minister at the start of World War 2
Neville Chamberlain was British Prime Minister until 10 May 1940 and was succeeded by Winston Churchill.
Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister in 1936 and was succeeded by Winston Churchill in May 1940
The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
Winston Churchill
Neville chamberlain
No. The former British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, died on the 9th of November 1940.
The British Prime Minister at the outbreak of World War II was Neville Chamberlain who actually declared war in 1939. He was succeeded by Winston Churchill in May 1940.Neville Chamberlain was the British prime minister at the start of World War 2
Neville Chamberlain was British Prime Minister until 10 May 1940 when he was replaced by Winston Churchill. He died in November 1940.
Neville Chamberlain was British Prime Minister until 10 May 1940 and was succeeded by Winston Churchill.
Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister in 1936 and was succeeded by Winston Churchill in May 1940
The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
Winston Churchill
Neville Chamberlain - until 10 May 1940
Neville Chamberlain until 10 May 1940
Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister from May 1937 to May 1940. Winston Churchill was Prime Minister from May 1940 to July 1945.
Neville Chamberlain, who was PM from 1937-May 1940.