he turned on him because he didnt wan him to run win for whatever he was doing.
Brutus thought that Julius would become too overpowering if he was leader.
In the movie, Julius Caesar, Brutus was the last to stab him, but it is not certain who was the last to stab him.
Yes, with other conspirators: Julius CAESAR
Brutus thought that Julius would become too overpowering if he was leader.
A question on the passage is "Why did Brutus betray Julius Caesar?" An answer is "He wanted power."
Marcus Brutus is in his 40's in Julius Caesar.
In the movie, Julius Caesar, Brutus was the last to stab him, but it is not certain who was the last to stab him.
Yes, with other conspirators: Julius CAESAR
Brutus' trusted servant in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
Brutus was Julius' best friend.
Julius Caesar had an affair with Brutus' mother, Servilia. It is possible that Caesar was Brutus' father, but that is disputed by historians.
Brutus Cassius Portia Titinius Julius Caesar