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The basis of this question is wrong. It was during the change over to 'collectivism' by Stalin that was resisted by the Ukrainian peasantry that the man-made 'holodomor' (starvation, executions and labor camps) began in the 1920-30s. This killed millions of Ukrainians (estimates between 2.5 million up to 20 million) and others, including Jews.

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This may be a misquotation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who declared that the Russian Revolution resulted in the deaths of 60 million Russians.

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And do we know they were Christians

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Q: Why did bolshevik Jews kill 66 million white Christians?
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At various times, Romans embraced, ignored or slaughtered Jews and Christians. Nero was notorious for persecuting Christians. Under Hadrian, at least half a million Jews died and many more were enslaved.

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Jews are not Christians. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah. Jews (and remember- Jesus was a Jew himself) believe that the Messiah has not yet come.