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the shapes on the sides of helmets were used to identify a soldiers regiment the spade was (506th parachute infantry regiment)

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Q: Why did US soldiers have spades on their helmets during WW2?
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Answer Blackshirts were the military Fascists soldiers who were followers of Mussolini during WW2. For more info, check out History / WW2 category. Custermen

How soldiers died in World War 2?

Around 25 million Soldiers were killed during WW2.

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During WW2 around 18.2 million soldiers served in the German military. Im not sure about the US army.

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39.800 Australian Soldiers were killed during WW2.

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How did ww2 US Army soldiers keep their helmets on without wearing their chin straps?

During training, many commanding officers required their soldiers to wear the helmets with the chin straps attached under their chins. Veterans at the front learned to wear the helmets without the chin straps. If an explosion went off next to them, the helmet would catch the concusion and try to fly off. If the chin strap was attached, they felt that it would break your neck.

How many soliers and citizens died during World War 2?

About 25 Million Soldiers were killed during WW2. Around 46 Million civilians died during WW2.

How many Scottish soldiers were in world war 2?

Around 34 000 Scottish soldiers were killed during WW2.

What part of the Pacific did Australian soldiers fight in during WW2?

The South West Pacific.

What country had the most soldiers?

The British. They managed to outnumber all other countries during the WW2