because they have done a bad crime but Romans always killed people
so they smell like poo
The Romans were/are alive from 753 C when the city was founded, to the present day.
There is a city called Rome so yes there are but there are no ancient Romans around because the Roman empire was a long time ago. Many ideas and inventions of the Ancient Romans are around though.
The Ancient Civilisations people Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Chinese Hope this helps
The mysterious people who conquered the Romans were the Etruscans.
Yes thousands of romans are still alive . Even so my family are romans .I am also a roman.
The Israelites The Romans The Chaldeans The Ethiopians The Arabs
The Romans were/are alive from 753 C when the city was founded, to the present day.
The Romans destroyed the city and sold the people into slavery in 146 BCE.
When JESUS was alive,Jerusalem was owned by the Romans and the currency was the one of the Romans which name was the Dinar,i think...
u could cut it up and burn it
There is a city called Rome so yes there are but there are no ancient Romans around because the Roman empire was a long time ago. Many ideas and inventions of the Ancient Romans are around though.
The Romans needed water, food and shelter to stay alive just like everyone else.
They were put to work, then people in charge would bring them to a shower and burn them alive