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Lincoln was afraid that, if he announced emancipation after a string of defeats, he would seem to be desperately searching for help (i.e. black troops joining Union armies). By making the announcement after a victory, he was able to put the focus on the Union doing the right thing rather than seeming to be making a last-ditch effort to turn the war around.

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Leanna Walker

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13y ago

Lincoln was afraid that, if he announced emancipation after a string of defeats, he would seem to be desperately searching for help (i.e. black troops joining Union armies). By making the announcement after a victory, he was able to put the focus on the Union doing the right thing rather than seeming to be making a last-ditch effort to turn the war around.

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13y ago

Because if he'd announced it during Lee's string of Confederate victories, it would have looked like a desperate measure.

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Q: Why did President Lincoln wait for a Union victory before announcing the Emancipation Proclamation?
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First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln was created in 1864.

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On January 1, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

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When Lincoln was president, the Emancipation Proclamation was to free all of the slaves in the Confederacy. :)

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No. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

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Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States and the author of the original draft of the Emancipation Proclamation.

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Lincoln. But they were freed by Union troops during their Southern campaigns, not by the Proclamation, which was mainly a tatcic to shame the British out of helping the cause of slavery.

Which president issued the Emancipation Proclamation?

Abraham Lincoln.

Which president wrote the Emancipation Proclamation?

Abraham Lincoln

What did President Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?