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Yes. Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas he also banned make up and brightly coloured clothes. Women had to wear black dresses from the neck to the toe, with a white apron wrapped around.

by harriet clements aged 12

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14y ago

He didn't it's a myth he personally banned Christmas. The puritans in parliament wanted to concentrate on Sunday as the holy day and get away from other feasts especially those endorsed by the catholic church. They first renamed it Christ-tide dispensing with the "mass" element in 1640 then sponsored a group of ministers to publish a Directory of Public Worship which Parliament adopted in 1645 holding Sunday as the only day and banning all other holy days. Finally in 1647 they passed an ordnance abolishing Christmas, Easter and Whit-sun feast days. Cromwell was Lord Protector from 1653-1658 and was not known to be involved closely in any of the pieces of legislation passed which relates to this. He did however support all legislation during this period and would have been sympathetic to the aims. He therefore has come to represent the movement in simplistic terms. Fines were introduced but the measures were largely ineffective and masses feasts and holidays continued to a large extent. The measures were completely swept away when the Restoration (of the Monarchy) occurred in 1660 making all legislation passed from 1642-1660 null and void.

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14y ago

It's a myth he personally banned Christmas. The puritans in parliament wanted to concentrate on Sunday as the holy day and get away from other feasts especially those endorsed by the catholic church. They first renamed it Christ-tide dispensing with the "mass" element in 1640 then sponsored a group of ministers to publish a Directory of Public Worship which Parliament adopted in 1645 holding Sunday as the only day and banning all other holy days. Finally in 1647 they passed an ordnance abolishing Christmas Easter and Whit-sun feast days.

Cromwell was Lord Protector from 1653-1658 and was not known to be involved closely in any of the pieces of legislation passed which relates to this. He did however support all legislation during this period and would have been sympathetic to the aims. He therefore has come to represent the movement in simplistic terms.

Fines were introduced but the measures were largely ineffective and masses feasts and holidays continued to a large extent. The measures were completely swept away when the Restoration (of the Monarchy) occurred in 1660 making all legislation passed from 1642-1660 null and void.

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14y ago

No he didn't it's a myth he personally banned Christmas. The puritans in parliament wanted to concentrate on Sunday as the holy day and get away from other feasts especially those endorsed by the catholic church. They first renamed it Christ-tide dispensing with the "mass" element in 1640 then sponsored a group of ministers to publish a Directory of Public Worship which Parliament adopted in 1645 holding Sunday as the only day and banning all other holy days. Finally in 1647 they passed an ordnance abolishing Christmas Easter and Whit-sun feast days. Cromwell was Lord Protector from 1653-1658 and was not known to be involved closely in any of the pieces of legislation passed which relates to this. He did however support all legislation during this period and would have been sympathetic to the aims. He therefore has come to represent the movement in simplistic terms. Fines were introduced but the measures were largely ineffective and masses feasts and holidays continued to a large extent. The measures were completely swept away when the Restoration (of the Monarchy) occurred in 1660 making all legislation passed from 1642-1660 null and void.

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14y ago

1647 was the exact year when Oliver Cromwell officially banned christmas.

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1647- 1659

In 1660 the ban was lifted.

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dno sry

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when he became on the top

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Q: Why did Oliver cromwell ban Christmas?
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Oliver Cromwell and his Parliament did abolish Christmas in 1647. Christians of the time believed the acts of decorating and feasting to be pagan in nature. After the celebration of Christmas was abolished, the ban on Christmas did not lift until 1660 when Oliver Cromwell was no longer in power.

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Oliver Cromwell banned christmas!!

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