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The Muslim League did not do well in the elections of 1937 for three reasons (1) Jinnah's voluntry exile (2) less experienced leaders and (3) less political amongst people.

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Q: Why did Muslim League badly perform in the elections of 1937?
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Why did the North perform so badly in the US Civil War?

Probably because they were the offenders (attackers) and they had to cover the most ground to infiltrate the south. The attackers are often at the disadvantage.

How did Henry VIII treat his enemies?

Very badly

How did the colonists treat the loyalists?

Very badly. So badly that 53,000 of them left for Canada.

Why was Billy Mitchell treated badly?

Billy Mitchell was treated badly because he challenged the military traditionalists. He was court martialed for violating the 96th article of war by speaking badly about the military.

Do all revolutions end badly?

No, all revolutions do not end badly. Noteworthy are the American Colonial Revolution and the French Revolution,.

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Is badly an adverb?

Yes the word badly is an adverb.Badly is almost always used as an adverb.Examples:She runs badly. (Badly is describing the way she runs.)He wants a new TV badly. (Badly is describing the how much he wants the TV. Wants is the verb.)They did badly in the elections. (They did not do well.)However, it may be considered an adjective when it is used with the verb "feel.""He felt badly about the mistake."Here, the opposite would be 'he felt good' about it, and good is an adjective. On the other hand, referring to health, saying 'he felt good' is actually an informal way of saying 'he felt well.'

Has a major league baseball team ever forfeited a game in which it is losing badly?

Yes, a major league baseball team has been forced to forfeit a game when it is losing badly. There have also been teams that have been forced to forfeit due to a crowd that was too rowdy.

Sara khan not a Muslim because she pray only Hindu ram in drama bidaai so she is badly and not a Muslim women sara khan go to hell?

yes sara khan is a Muslim and she douse act like one but most people ain't bothered

Who performs confirmation?

Catholics perform confirmation. Also, Lutherans do. This is done by the bishop or pastor.

Why do the workmen perform for the duke so badly?

because they abolutly hate his guts just like Harry Potter and the 7 dwarfs

How is Islam changing Europe's cultural geography?

not badly , as Islam was the dominant religion in Europe for a long time (Andalusia)

Why do pupils perform badly in school?

I go to school myself, and from what I have seen, over 80% of the pupils, or students, that go to my school perform badly simply because either they don't pay any attention in class, or they skip class. And everyone knows that if you have no idea about what is being taught in class, when an assignment or test comes up, you will fail miserably.

Are there any religions that count it as a sin to speak badly about your own religion?

Yes, of course. First of all, there's Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, and Christian for sure.