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Marvin Gaye was killed on April 1st, 1984, after intervening in an argument between his parents regarding a missing business document. After the fight between him and his father turned physical, Gaye was fatally shot with the gun he had given his father as a gift the 4 months before. He was 44.

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Q: Why did Marvin Gaye's father shoot him?
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Did Marvin gayes father commit suicide?

No. He died of pneumonia in 1998.

Who killed Marvin gayes?

His father. Gayed was shot by his father, after he intervened in an argument between his parents.

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How many years did gayes dad get for shooting him?

Marvin Gaye's father, Marvin Gay Sr., was sentenced to a six-year suspended sentence and five years probation for fatally shooting his son.

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MArvin Gayes mother inspired him to be and do what ever he wants if he puts his mind to it. she said that she would support him all the way and along the way.

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Who shot Marvin gaye?

His father, Marvin Gaye Sr.

Who was the black male singer shot by his father?

Marvin Gaye was killed by his father. Heres his biography on wikipedia

Did Marvin gaye die?

Marvin Gaye was shot to death on April 1st 1984. He was shot by his father who was a Minister. His father served 5 years in jail for his death. Marvin Gaye was having drug and financial problems. So he moved in with his parents to get over his drug addiction and work on a new album that would help him financially. While living in the house Marvin would argue with his father over the way his father treated his mother. As a child, Marvin noticed his dad would often treat his mother negatively, and he could not do much about it. But as an adult, living at home he spoke up and defended his mother. Before Marvin died he had a hit album and was trying to stay away from drugs. Marvin told friends that he felt his dad was Jealous of him because he was a famous singer. When the story aired on the news about his death, his dad's Jealousy towards him was mentioned. It was also mentioned that Marvin had bought his dad a gun as a birthday present, and that the past weeks him and his dad argued about the treatment of his mother. It was reported that his dad got furious with Marvin and shot him with the gun Marvin had given him as a gift.

Did Marvin Gaye get the name Marvin from Marvin the Martian?

No! That's his first given name at birth. He was named after his father.

Where is Marvin Gaye's father now?

Marvin Gaye Sr. died of pneumonia in 1998.