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Because she preferred to follow the voices she heard instead of accepting King Charles's choice of making a treaty with the English to give over certain French towns, and was accused by the Bishop Cauchon of heresy and was so threatened of damnation and being burned at the stake if she didn't stop claiming to hear the will of God.

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9y ago

There was only the Dauphin Charles, also known as Prince Charles. He had not yet been crowned as King Charles VII. He was powerless to do anything as nearly his entire army was already involved in the war with the British. They tried several times to drive off the British and rescue Joan but were not successful.

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12y ago

Because an angel told her to go help the French army, and she couldn't without consulting Charles iiv.

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Q: Why did King Charles betray Joan of Arc?
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Joan answered to the Dauphin - Prince Charles who would later be crowned as King Charles VII.

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Joan of Arc first met Charles VII in Chinon.

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King Charles VII

Who did Joan of Arc wish to crown as king of France at Rheims plus?

At the time of Joan of Arc (the years between Feb. 1429 and 1431), the King was Charles VII. He was married to Marie d'Anjou (link below). Their son Louis XI was the next king after his father.

Which king did Joan of Arc visit?

Actually she visited the Dauphin, or prince, who would later become King Charles VII.

Did Joan of Arc get any awards?

Her family was awarded nobility by King Charles VII. It is thought that this is when the title d'Arc (of Arc) was given to the family.