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== == He was applying, with ruthless ferocity, Lenin's idea that by terrorizing the population they would be rendered obedient. Essentially, dead people would not oppose him, and if there were millions of dead people, the survivors would be too afraid to oppose him.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The number of people that Stalin supposedly killed is still highly debated. Some propose the more common idea that Stalin had millions murdered, though these are citing questionable Nazi sources. Said ideas are generally propagated by those that had something to gain from spreading that idea. Others claim that such ideas are nonsense, and attempt to disprove them. Most prominently: Ludo Martens, with his book 'Another View of Stalin'; as well as Mario Sousa, with 'Lies Concerning the History of the Soviet Union'.

No one does anything "just because they can", no matter what it is they're doing. Stalin propelled Russia forward technologically and industrially by about 75 years over the course of 10. It'd be a challenge to do that while simultaneously slaughtering the people that are required to propel the nation forward.

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16y ago

In 1928, Stalin started the first of the Soviet Union's five year plans for economic development. The government began to eliminate private businesses. Production of industrial machinery and farm equipment became more important, and production of clothing and household goods was neglected. In 1929, Stalin began to collectivise Soviet agriculture. He ended private farming and transferred the control of farms, farm equipment, and livestock to the government. But the farmers resisted his order and destroyed about half of the U.S.S.R.'s livestock and much of its produce. As punishment, Stalin sent about a million families into exile. The destruction of livestock and grain caused widespread starvation. The economy moved forward, but at the cost of many lives.

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11y ago

Many people were shot for some reasons like opposing soviet union's ideology. Also he did a lot of deportations and forced labor, that broke people both emotionally and physically and cause many deaths.

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13y ago

I know the answer besauce he killed my grandfather like other millions of people. Why? He wanted save his power and killed everyone who was smarter and stronger than he.

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14y ago

No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.

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14y ago

For the benefit of the motherland.

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Q: Why did Joseph Stalin kill people?
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