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During the 1930s Jews were ordered to wear the six-pointed Star Of David as an identifier. During this era, leading up to World War II, Jews were forced into ghettoes and increasingly persecuted. Finally this persecution would lead to the death camps of Hitler's Germany. In the Jewish religion, the Star of David has pronounced significance - only 'chosen' people can follow it. Germans marked their prospective victims by ordering them to wear their own mark of being chosen. And of course they could be singled out for persecution more easily when marked as a target. other the Navis would kill them.Read about it in the amazing book Yellow Star

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13y ago

Nazis made Jews wear the Star of David so they could easily identify if someone was Jewish or not. It was also a way to single out the Jews and make them feel like outsiders.

If a Jew did not wear their star, they would be shot.

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14y ago

They were required to were a yellow star, or the star of david, so they could recognized as a Jew in the community, because Jews were looked down upon by most people in that time.

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Q: Why did Jews wear yellow stars during world war 2?
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During the second World War what European countries required Jews to wear yellow stars?

Germany and all the countries that Germany had occupied.

Is Jude a Jewish surname?

No. It was German for "Jew". During the Holocaust, the Jews had yellow stars with "Jude" on them.

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Yes during the holocaust they had to wear yellow stars on their clothing usually on their chest.

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A yellow star that indicates they are Jews.

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In most cases Jews had to buy their yellow stars.

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They were Jews.They had to wear yellow stars to show that they were Jews.

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yellow starduring the holocaust Jews were forced towear a yellow star of david on their clothes.

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yellow stars

Who was ordered to wear the star of david?

The Jews were required to wear the Yellow Stars of David

Why did the Jews have to wear stars on their shirts?

Jews were forced by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe to wear a yellow star of David so that they can be instantly reconised as Jews.

What was the importance of the yellow star during the Holocaust?

the "yellow star" was the star of David - a Jewish symbol and since the Germans wanted to "keep tabs" on all the Jews they where ultimatly trying to kill off they had all the Jews where the "yellow star" or the star of David sewn on their clothing with the word "Jude" inprinted beneath it which was the German word for "Jew". hope that helps you :) It also let the Nazis no who were Jews and who were not so they could stop them from doing different things

What was the color of the Star of David that Jews had to wear during the Holocaust?

The Star of David is no particular color, but rather is a shape. In the flag of the State of Israel, the Star of David is blue on a white background. In some parts of Nazi-controlled Europe before and during World War II, Jews were forced to wear yellow Stars of David on their clothing.