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He was already King of Scotland, when his cousin Elizabeth was dieing. He became King because she named him next in line when she died In this, I presume you mean James I of England. (Who was also James VI of Scotland) Please find a family tree enclosed at the following address: tudor-stuart_lineage.jpg (That should all be on 1 line) * The "=" sign denotes a marriage * The Blue dates are for Kings of Scotland * The Red Dates are for England * The red line is the inheritance order for the English Throne Note that only relevant members of the royal families have been included. In short, James was Elizabeth nearest living relative through Margaret's marriage to James IV of Scotland

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14y ago
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12y ago

Elizabeth I had no children, and James was her secound cousin (being Mary Queen of Scots' son)- therefore he was the heir to the throne of England and, naturally, become the next monarch after Elizabeth's death.

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13y ago

Because he had the superior claim.

Henry VIII's line had died out and Henry's brother never had children, so the line of his oldest sister Margaret (James' great-grandmother) was superior to all others.

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11y ago

Because he was the nearest male relative of the childless Queen Elizabeth I of England.

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11y ago

He was her cousin and the next in line to the throne because she had no siblings left and no children.

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13y ago

wear his crown

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Q: Why did James 1 become king of England?
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