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German immigrants came to America for several reasons. Among them were the continual warfare among the many German states, the religious persecution of the Protestant peasants, and the heavy taxation and seizure of property by the warring factions. Many of these dissatisfied people heard of William Penn's "Holy Experiment" from ship captains. Many came as indentured servants, but some were able to buy rich farmland in America. They clung to their old-country language, religion, methods of farming, ways of cooking, and manners of dressing.

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Q: Why did Germans migrate to America?
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Where were the Germans turned back as they drove their tanks in North America to the east?

The Germans did not invade North America during WWII.

Was Germany allied with America in World War 1?

No. America fought against the Germans.

How where the Germans good for America?

the Germans and WW2 basically gave America a god complex, they think it made them awesome (since they think they won it themselves), in reality it is this very trait that makes the rest of the world hate America

Why were the Germans being discriminated against in America?

because of hitler

What is the cause of the Battle of the Atlantic during world war 2?

The Germans caused it because if the Germans got a hold of Newfoundland a province in the Atlantic they could then bomb America and take over America