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He marched through Georgia to destroy the farms and railroads that supported(helped) the Confederate armies in the field.

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Q: Why did General Tecumseh Sherman march through Georgia?
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Who is the general that marched his troops through Georgia in 1864?

Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

What was the march that General William Tecumseh Sherman led through Georgia called?

It is frequently called "Sherman's March to the Sea".

What Union General bacame famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

It was William T. Sherman.

What Union General advanced to Savannah?

George Tecumseh Sherman would be my guess, during his march through Georgia.

Union general (blank) led an aggressive campaign through the South that destroyed much of Georgia?

William Tecumseh Sherman

Who led a march threw Georgia in the civil war?

General William Tecumseh Sherman led the notorious "March to the Sea" through Georgia during the American Civil War. Starting in Atlanta in November 1864, Sherman and his Union forces marched through the state, destroying infrastructure and civilian property as they went. The goal of the campaign was to cripple the Confederacy's ability to wage war and ultimately hasten the end of the Civil War.

What general became famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

General Sherman

What union general used a daring plan called total war as he marched through Geogria?

This was Sherman's March to the Sea and it was lead by Major General William Tecumseh Sherman.

General sherman marched through the south to the sea to?

Savannah, Georgia.

What was genereal Tecumseh sherman's march through georgia an example of?

US General Sherman followed a course often called a "scorched earth" policy as he swept through Georgia. The intent was to destroy anything that might be later used by the Confederacy to continue the war effort. Retreating Confederate forces also had to destroy railroads, munition depots and any thing Sherman could use to his advantage.

Who led destructive march through georgia?

For all practical purposes the three Union armies under the command of Major General William T. Sherman did not "march through Georgia". They battled their way under fierce resistance from Confederate forces.The General William T. Sherman was the highest ranking Union general to lead the march through Georgia. His first main target was Atlanta. The city surrendered in early September, 1864, helping President Lincoln's re election campaign.Sherman made that city his headquarters for almost two months. He then began his famous or to some, his infamousmarch to the sea, towards the port city of Savannah. He ordered Atlanta burned to the ground upon his departure, however, Catholic priests begged him to spare hospitals, which he did spare.Savannah surrendered on December 21, 1864.

What union leader became famous for his march of destruction through Georgia?

General Sherman---- Sherman's March to the Sea