Ancient Egyptians would wear scented candles on their head during special events and parties. As the candle would melt on their hair (or wig) the candle would let out nice aromas to cover the stink of their bodies.
It was better to shave your head and wear a wig, because it kept you cool and stopped the lice.
Egyptians did not wear anything different from everyday wear. They didn't have funerals, either. When someone died, they just took them and buried them away from their village.
No the ancient Egyptians did not wear shoes they went around bear feet.
The embalmers often wore a jackal-head mask.
The candle was discovered in about 600-900 A.D. by the ancient Egyptians.
Egyptians dress exactly like any other normal person. Most Egyptians are Muslim, therefore, the females wear the ha jib (head scarf). We cover basically everything but our hands and face. However, there are some Egyptians with different religions, either way, Egyptians dress like anyone else but the girls wear the head scarf! they were those clothes because it is hot in Egypt they used to wear very heavy clothes. :)
To see in the dark!
No the ancient Egyptians i believe did not wear anything under there clothes. such as under wear or bras. Very good question .
It was better to shave your head and wear a wig, because it kept you cool and stopped the lice.
Like any other people, Egyptians wear scarfs when it is cold. Thus, if it is cold.. they wear a scarf. If they are Muslim, it is still acceptable and widely practiced. If you are inquiring about ancient Egyptians, then no. No, they did not wear scarfs.
I'll burn your head. That is what the match say to candle.
Egyptians wear make up not like we do today instead they wore paint.
No, Egyptians have naturally long eyelashes.
shoes =)