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They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

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Q: Why did Democrats in the 19th-century not like using federal money to build transportation systems?
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Why did the Democrats not like using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

Why did the century Democrats not like using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

Why did the 19th-century democrats not like using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

Why did 19th-century Democrats like using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

Why did the 19th century democrats not like using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

Why did 19th-century democrats of the US oppose using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

Why did century democrats not using federal money to build transportation systems?

If you are asking about the 1800's the main system was the railroad and they were built by the investors not by the government. Cars weren't invented so a system of roads wasn't needed until the 1950's and the river systems had boats on them from the very beginning.

What was a Whig party argument in support of the building transportation systems by the federal government?

State governments could not do the job well on their own.

What was a Whigs party argument in support of the building of transportation systems by the federal government?

State governments could not do the job well on their own.

What was a Whig party argument in support the federal government build transportation systems?

state governments could not do the job well on their own

What was a Whig party argument in supporting of the building of transportation systems by the federal government?

State governments could not do the job well on their own.

What was whig party argument in support of the building of transportation systems by the federal government?

State governments could not do the job well on their own.