The reason why Caesar deprived the Tribunes Marullus and Flavius of their office was due to them removing the diadems from his statues.
Caesar had several tribunes in his pocket, so to speak, but the two most famous were Marc Antony and Clodius Pulcher.
the commoners are rejoicing the return of caesar.
They are two characters from the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. They are executed, when trying to decrease the support for Caesar.
Marullus and Flavius was very upset to see the way the citizens were behaving. when Pompey was alive they praise him and now that Caesar killed him, they started praising Caesar. They go along with anyone who wants to rule.
to go about the city and remove any trophies that had been placed on the statues of Caesar
they are tribunes who are annoyed by the cheering of caesar
The information Casca gives about Marullus and Flavius is that the tribunes were stripped of the positions as civil servants for removing decorations from Caesar's statutes. This is from Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene i.
Caesar had several tribunes in his pocket, so to speak, but the two most famous were Marc Antony and Clodius Pulcher.
They are tribunes who don't think that it is appropriate to celebrate one side's victory in a civil war.
Marullus and Flavius leave the mob to destroy the decorations on Caesar's statues.
Marullus and Flavius take down decorations on Caesar's statues and are condemned to death.
There were two: Marullus and Flavius.
for taking down decorations honoring caesar
the commoners are rejoicing the return of caesar.
Marullus and Flavius, for pulling scarfs off Caesar's images, are put to silence.
They are two characters from the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. They are executed, when trying to decrease the support for Caesar.