During the 1930's and 1940's the German Nazis, government of that time, were persecuting people of Jewish faith and descent. The Nazis periodically rounded up Jews, Poles, homosexuals, intellectuals, Gypsies and anyone who disagreed with Hitler, and take them to concentration camps in an effort to rid the world of them. The Jews were the biggest target, at the end of this persecution known as the Holocaust (meaning total burn) 6 million Jews had died along with another 5-6 million people.
The Franks were Jewish. When Margot, Anne Frank's sister, turned 16, she received a letter from the Nazis that required her to immediately turn herself into the Gestapo and go to a concentration camp. Frightened and desperate to protect his family, Otto Frank moved the whole family moved into hiding in Amsterdam to prevent Margot and the rest of the family from being sent to those death camps. Their only other choice was to go the camps where they would die. In fact, about 2 yeas after they went into hiding, the Franks were found and sent to camps.
there is a special website dedicated to Anne Frank. Google Anne Frank and you'll land on it somehwere in the first results.
basically Anne Frank had to go into hiding as the Germans were rounding up the Jewsih people for deportation (towards concentration camps such as Auschwitz) where hundreds of thousands of jewish people lost their lives. Since Anne Frank's family was jewish, the only option of not being caught (since fleeing was near impossible) was to go into hiding alltogether. They nearly succeeded - but sadly near the end of the war they were betrayed and deported. Anne was special because her diary was later found and published. Because of her writing talents at an early age and her style of writing still appeals to many children. It's a true and a sad story with no happy Disney ending.
Anne Frank lived in the Netherlands in Amsterdam (on the Prinsengracht right next to the Westerkerk) which in Worldwar 2 was occupied by the German Army after the Dutch capitulated when the Germans bombed the hell out of Rotterdam. Her house (including the hiding place) is still there: it is now being used as a museum and as a cashcow by the organisation which exploits Anne's personal diary, not just for financial gain and political reasons, but also to educate children and grownups about the consequences of a war on a human scale.
To prepare his family to go into hiding, Anne Frank's father started stocking and storing items the family would need in hiding. When Anne's sister received a notice to go into labor service in Germany, the family went in hiding.
The Frank family went into hiding on July 6, 1942
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl the age of 13 when her family had to go into hiding after being given a notice to go to a work camp. The book is a true story that she wrote when in hiding. ____ Her book is a diary and I don't think it has a 'concept'.
They were Jewish.
Another Jewish family hid in the "Secret Annex" with the Franks. They were called Van Pels. The family consisted of a father, a mother, and a son, Peter, who Anne eventually fell in love with. There was one other person hiding with them. He joined them later. He was an elderly Jewish dentist named Dussel. Anne was frustrated by him sometimes, and she had to share a room with him. There was a total of eight people in the secret annex.
To prepare his family to go into hiding, Anne Frank's father started stocking and storing items the family would need in hiding. When Anne's sister received a notice to go into labor service in Germany, the family went in hiding.
Anne Frank's father had planned to go into hiding for months. He told Meip to take Margot to the annex and keep her there until the rest of the family came into hiding with margot.
They went to a concentration camp, where everyone died
In an attic of a warehouse and office building in Amsterdam, Holland
because they didn't wanna die or have to go to the nazi camps.
Anne was 13 when she went into hiding, and 15 when she was discovered.
no she went into hiding just after.
The Frank family went into hiding on July 6th 1942. The Van Pels joined them the day after.
Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in 1942 during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. They stayed hidden in the secret annex of an office building in Amsterdam for over two years before being discovered and arrested in 1944.
Anne Frank and her family went into hiding on July 6, 1942 to avoid being taken to a concentration camp with many other Jews.
The Frank family went into hiding on July 6, 1942
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl the age of 13 when her family had to go into hiding after being given a notice to go to a work camp. The book is a true story that she wrote when in hiding. ____ Her book is a diary and I don't think it has a 'concept'.