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Great Britain made many strict laws for the people to follow. The Americans had no one to represent them- meaning they had no way of changing these laws. They were very unhappy under British rule and decided they wanted their freedom.

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Q: Why did America want freedom from great Britain?
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Why did the British colonies want there freedom?

because great Britain was controlling them and they had no freedom. Also everything was a law.

Why didnt want independence from Great Britain?

colonists The person who answered before me is purely mistaken. There were three types of people in north America with relations in the revolutionary war. The Patriots wanted freedom. The Loyalists were with Britain. And the Quakers wanted peace.

From whom did George Washington want to gain independence?

The American colonists, whose army was led by George Washington, wanted to gain their freedom from Great Britain.

Why did the confederates want war?

same reason America fought with Britain.... Freedom, liberty, unhappy with the way things were ran

What was the Impact of America receiving independence from great Britain?

Not only did other countries start to want independance from Great Britain,but America now owed lots of money to France. Though there was a period of prosperity, with the entire world at peace. Also the war reviled to Great Britain all of their militarily weaknesses.

Describe the impact of America receviing its independence from Great Britain?

Not only did other countries start to want independance from Great Britain,but America now owed lots of money to France. Though there was a period of prosperity, with the entire world at peace. Also the war reviled to Great Britain all of their militarily weaknesses.

What were the four freedoms for which both the United states and Britain stood?

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of fear, and freedom of want.

Should America become independent from Great Britain?

yes because u wouldnt want to be under control of a person

Why would the people want to be a patriot?

Because they want freedom and not want to be under Britain's command so they call themselves Patriots. You could also be a Patriot because you wanted to get over the arguments with Britain and fight for freedom

Why would people want to be a patriot?

Because they want freedom and not want to be under Britain's command so they call themselves Patriots. You could also be a Patriot because you wanted to get over the arguments with Britain and fight for freedom

Why did Thomas Jefferson want freedom?

I think he wanted it because he didn't want to be ruled by Britain anymore.

Does Nice Peter go on tour in Britain?

Not at the moment - but he will probably in the future. If you really want to see him go to America - or send him viewer mail (or tweet him) and tell him to go on tour in Great Britain!!