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Americans can go to North Korea, if they follow these instructions

1. get official permission from the North Korean government.

2.If they send you a visa, you can go there, if not, you can't and you have to give them a good reason.

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12y ago

Yes, But there are several rules you must follow, One you have to enter from china. Also you must be with a group. You must have your guides with you at all times. And you will have guards and Army soldiers watching you. The guides are there to make sure you do not take pictures or do anything you are not suppose too. If you are american i would suggest bringing a group of 10-20 people.

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16y ago

The US has no diplomatic ties with North Korea.

Same situation as Cuba.

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What continent is North Korea on?

North Korea is in Asia. Go buy a flippin 'Altas'.

Which direction would an Allied tank travel to go from North Korea into Communist China?

An Allied tank would travel north to go from North Korea into Communist China.

Can Westerners go to North Korea?

Westerners can go to North Korea, usually through Chinese-Run Tourism companies. However, American and Israeli citizens should be warned that North Korea does not maintain relations with either the US or Israel, so it will be very difficult to secure the release of an arrested person or get consular services in North Korea. It is illegal under North Korean Law for South Koreans or Japanese citizens to go to North Korea. (It is also illegal for South Koreans to go to North Korea under South Korean Law.)

Why did north and South Korea split?

After the Japanese surrender of WWII, the Americans and the Soviets occupied Korea. The Americans occupied southern part of Korea, while the Soviets entered Korea from their border and occupied the northern part of Korea. The Americans then invited Syngman Rhee back to the American-occupied Korea to become President. Meanwhile the Soviets created a puppet government whose chairman is Kim Il-Sung (who will be future supreme dictator of North Korea very soon). Syngman Rhee then declare the establishment of the Republic of Korea (ROK) on August 15, 1948, while Kim Il-Sung declare the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on September 9, 1948. The occupations of both the Soviet and American armies led to the establishment of two separate governments. Both the DPRK and ROK do not recognize each other, and Kim Il-Sung devised a plan to "liberate the South" from the "Yankee imperialists". But his plan brought tragic warfare for North Korea as an international coalition led by the UN drove Kim Il-Sung off from North Korea until Chairman Mao came to help Kim retake the North. Both sides fought in stalemate position when finally the two sides go into an agreement of a ceasefire truce. And that's what led to how both North Korea and South Korea split off from each other.

Why doesnt south Korea go to war with north Korea?

because north Korea has a nuclear weapon and south doesn't have it. and there is no good to war against each other. WAR= using nuclear weapon = destroying whole Korean peninsula and some part of japan, china and Russia That means killing a lot of lives

Related questions

What should America do about North Korea?

If North Korea Attacks Americaor if north Korea attacks one or more of our allies thenI think America Should Throw bomb(s).and/or go to war.we Americans watch ours and our friends backs.

What if the North Korea and South Korea go into war?

China would assist North Korea in tbe war

What continent is North Korea on?

North Korea is in Asia. Go buy a flippin 'Altas'.

How many North Koreans have left North Korea?

not much. Because north korea dont let people to go out from north korea. If they try they are executed

Which direction would an Allied tank travel to go from North Korea into Communist China?

An Allied tank would travel north to go from North Korea into Communist China.

How do you go to North Korea?

in south korea you can.but you have to be someone from the government. .

Which direction would an allied tank to go from North Korea into communist China?

An Allied tank would travel north to go from North Korea into Communist China.

Can Westerners go to North Korea?

Westerners can go to North Korea, usually through Chinese-Run Tourism companies. However, American and Israeli citizens should be warned that North Korea does not maintain relations with either the US or Israel, so it will be very difficult to secure the release of an arrested person or get consular services in North Korea. It is illegal under North Korean Law for South Koreans or Japanese citizens to go to North Korea. (It is also illegal for South Koreans to go to North Korea under South Korean Law.)

What is the worst country to go to?

North Korea

Which direction would allied tank travel to go from north Korea into communist china?

An Allied tank would travel north to go from North Korea into Communist China.

Does south Korea go to the Olympics?

Yes! Both North Korea and South Korea attend the Olympics.

Are people allowed to leave from North Korea?

No people are not allowed to leave North Korea, they can escape to South Korea, but risk being shot, or if caught trying to escape North Korea they can get heavy punishment, so the only way to get out of North Korea if your North Korean is to escape out of North Korea secretly, and go to South Korea, via another country that can give you asylum.